In Übereinstimmung mit unserer Qualitätspolitik unterhält COMSOL eine Bibliothek aus hunderten dokumentierter Modellbeispiele, die regelmäßig mit der neuesten Version der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software getestet werden, einschließlich Benchmark-Probleme von ASME und NAFEMS sowie TEAM-Probleme.
Unsere Verification and Validation (V&V) Testsuite bietet konsistent genaue Lösungen, die mit Analyseergebnissen und etablierten Benchmark-Daten verglichen werden. Die folgenden dokumentierten Modelle sind Teil der in der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software integrierten Anwendungsbibliotheken. Sie beinhalten Referenzwerte und Quellen für eine Vielzahl von Benchmarks sowie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um die erwarteten Ergebnisse auf dem eigenen Computer zu reproduzieren. Mit diesen Modellen können Sie nicht nur Ihre Aufwendungen für die Software-Qualitätssicherung (SQA) und die numerische Code-Verifikation (NCV) dokumentieren, sondern sie auch im Rahmen von internen Trainingsprogrammen einsetzen.
The model is defined as a benchmark case in norm 15026:2007 annex A. The purpose of the model is to calculate the temperature and moisture profiles at different times after a change in the external conditions (temperature and relative humidity) inside a wall material (kind of concrete). ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to use the Parameter Estimation and Experiment features in the Reaction Engineering interface for optimization with multiple experimental data input files. The application finds the Arrhenius parameters of a first order reaction where Benzene diazonium chloride ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates the wrinkling phenomenon in a thin sheet stretched uniaxially. The modified membrane theory, which incorporates the wrinkling model, ensures noncompressive principal stresses in the wrinkled region. The analytical results are compared to the numerical results. Mehr lesen
This model exemplifies the basic principles of crevice corrosion and how a time-dependent study can be used to simulate the electrode deformation. The model is in 2D and the polarization data for the corrosion reaction is taken from a paper by Absulsalam and others. The model and the ... Mehr lesen
This example illustrates the use of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusion model available with the Transport of Concentrated Species interface. It models multicomponent gas-phase diffusion in a Stefan tube in 1D. In this case, it is a liquid mixture of acetone and methanol that evaporates into ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to use the scattered field formulation to compute the transmission coefficient for impinging P and S plane elastic waves onto a finite size phononic crystal. The transmission tends to zero in the frequency range corresponding to P- and S-wave band gaps, as ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates a small vibrating hemispherical particle in water. The particle has a radius of 1 mm and is oscillating in the axial direction at a frequency of 50 kHz. The vibrations induce acoustic waves in the fluid. The example demonstrates how to set up a thermoviscous ... Mehr lesen
This example explores the shift in natural frequencies caused by changing the temperature. One study investigates a doubly clamped beam where both ends are fixed, while the other study looks at a cantilever beam where only one end is fixed. The following effects are studied: Stress ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates the bending analysis of a simply supported composite laminate under sinusoidal distributed transverse load. The composite laminate is thick, with a thickness to side length ratio of 1/4. The laminate has three layers in a cross-ply layup. The model is solved ... Mehr lesen
The double barrier structure is of interest because of its application in semiconductor devices such as resonant-tunneling diodes. This verification example demonstrates the Schrödinger Equation interface to set up a simple 1D GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier structure to analyze the ... Mehr lesen