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This model represents a stove in a living room. A radiation study is performed with the Surface-to-Surface Radiation physics interface. It shows the intensity of the stove radiation received on different surfaces of the room. Mehr lesen
Beispiel eines Schwingspulen-Lautsprechers, bei dem Lumped-Parameter das Verhalten der elektrischen und mechanischen Komponenten darstellen. Die Thiele-Small-Parameter (Kleinsignalparameter) dienen als Eingabe für das Lumped-Modell, das über das Interface Electric Circuit dargestellt ... Mehr lesen
An ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) is constructed by replacing the gate contact of a MOSFET with an electrolyte of interest. The concentration of a specific ionic species in the electrolyte can be determined by measuring the change in the gate voltage due to the interaction ... Mehr lesen
A capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) is a micro-scale receiver that converts ultrasound to electrical signal for high-resolution imaging application. This CMUT design has optimized force-displacement characteristics for increased transduction efficiency. Central to the ... Mehr lesen
In this example, triaxial and oedometer tests are simulated using the Modified Cam-Clay material model. A nonlinear stress-strain relation is recovered with the constant Poisson's ratio formulation. The hardening and softening behavior is recovered for normally consolidated and highly ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel wird die Kopplung zwischen Multibody Dynamics und Rotating Machinery, Magnetic zur Durchführung elektromagnetischer und mechanischer Analysen demonstriert. Ein Permanentmagnetmotor mit 10 Rotorpolen und 12 Statornuten wird in 2D modelliert. Die Magnete sind am Umfang ... Mehr lesen
This example shows the analysis of a perforated plate loaded into the plastic regime. Part of the example is a benchmark, which you can find in section 7.10 of The Finite Element Method by O.C. Zienkiewicz. The unloading of the plate and residual stresses are also studied. In a second ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates the propagation of two frequency bands in a photonic crystal with three ports. The crystal is initially symmetric, so that the two frequency bands are directly equally to either output port. The model optimizes the position of the pillars in order to make the two ... Mehr lesen
Das biventrikuläre Standard-Herzmodell wird verwendet, um zu zeigen, wie man Faserrichtungen in einer komplexen Geometrie einrichtet. Die Fasern werden dann zur Modellierung der großen Verformung des Herzmuskels mit dem anisotropen Materialmodell von Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden verwendet. Die ... Mehr lesen
This model presents a 2D axisymmetric dipolar microwave plasma source sustained through resonant heating of the electrons. This is known as electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), which occurs when a suitable high magnetic flux density is present along with the microwaves. This is an ... Mehr lesen