Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Just like optical lenses focus light, electric and magnetic lenses can be used for focusing beams of charged particles. This COMSOL Multiphysics model shows the path of B5+ ions passing through a focusing system of three magnetic quadrupoles. Each of the quadropoles focus the beam of ... Mehr lesen
Delamination or the separation of layers is a common failure mode in laminated composite materials. Various factors, including loading, defects in the material, and environmental conditions can trigger the initiation and propagation of layer separation. This leads to degraded structural ... Mehr lesen
This presentation and series of models show how to use the Deformed Mesh interfaces to model small and large translations and rotations of objects. A more detailed description of these models can be seen in the blog post Model Translational Motion with the Deformed Mesh Interfaces and ... Mehr lesen
A split ring resonator (SRR) has a band-stop frequency response that rejects a certain range of frequency. This type of SRR structure is popularly used as a resonator itself and can be combined periodically to build artificial meta-materials. In this model, a printed SRR on a ... Mehr lesen
Oxide jacking is the process by which reinforced concrete cracks, due to the corrosion of the reinforcing rebar rods. The corrosion process causes growth of an oxide layer on the rebar, which in turn causes internal stresses in the concrete. If the corrosion process is allowed to ... Mehr lesen
This example shows the analysis of a perforated plate loaded into the plastic regime. Part of the example is a benchmark, which you can find in section 7.10 of The Finite Element Method by O.C. Zienkiewicz. The unloading of the plate and residual stresses are also studied. In a second ... Mehr lesen
This example presents transient analysis of the wave propagation in rock mass caused by a short duration load on the surface. Such loads are typical during tunnel constructions and other excavations using blasting. The example shows the use of the Low-reflecting boundary conditions to ... Mehr lesen
In many applications, acoustic waves interact with surfaces that have small perforations or slits. This can be in muffler systems; in soundproofing structures; in liners for noise suppression in jet engines; or in grilles and meshes in front of, for example, miniature speakers in mobile ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrate two-phase flow in a porous medium which contains a low permeable lens. The heavier phase infiltrates the porous medium, so the low permeable lens is infiltrated only when a critical saturation at the outside is reached. Mehr lesen
A single cylinder reciprocating engine supported on hydrodynamic bearings is studied. A starting torque is applied to bring the engine to required rpm. The loading torque is switched on once the engine picks up speed. After the start-up, the engine operates on its own driven by the ... Mehr lesen