In Übereinstimmung mit unserer Qualitätspolitik unterhält COMSOL eine Bibliothek aus hunderten dokumentierter Modellbeispiele, die regelmäßig mit der neuesten Version der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software getestet werden, einschließlich Benchmark-Probleme von ASME und NAFEMS sowie TEAM-Probleme.
Unsere Verification and Validation (V&V) Testsuite bietet konsistent genaue Lösungen, die mit Analyseergebnissen und etablierten Benchmark-Daten verglichen werden. Die folgenden dokumentierten Modelle sind Teil der in der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software integrierten Anwendungsbibliotheken. Sie beinhalten Referenzwerte und Quellen für eine Vielzahl von Benchmarks sowie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um die erwarteten Ergebnisse auf dem eigenen Computer zu reproduzieren. Mit diesen Modellen können Sie nicht nur Ihre Aufwendungen für die Software-Qualitätssicherung (SQA) und die numerische Code-Verifikation (NCV) dokumentieren, sondern sie auch im Rahmen von internen Trainingsprogrammen einsetzen.
This example illustrates multiphase flow modeling in an airlift loop reactor. The reactor is filled with water and air bubbles are injected at the bottom through two frits. Due to buoyancy, the bubbles rise, inducing a circulating motion of the liquid. The model specifically investigates ... Mehr lesen
Perforates are plates with a distribution of small perforations or holes. They are used in muffler systems, sound absorbing panels, and in many other places as liners, where it is important to control attenuation precisely. As the perforations become smaller and smaller, viscous and ... Mehr lesen
This model shows a setup of two parallel wires with a constant current running through both. Their cross-sections are successively reduced until a set force per unit length is reached. Mehr lesen
The backward facing step is an interesting case for studying the performance and solution strategy of a turbulence model. In this case, the flow is subjected to a sudden increase of cross-sectional area, resulting in a separation of flow starting at the point of expansion. Spatial ... Mehr lesen
Carbon dioxide in aqueous solution is highly corrosive and can cause significant damage to steel designs. Such conditions arise in pipes used in a variety of applications, especially within the petrochemical industry. In this tutorial example, turbulent flows consisting of carbon ... Mehr lesen
Optical lenses of millimeter size cannot easily be analyzed with the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface on standard workstations due to the large number of finite element mesh elements required. This model explains how the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface ... Mehr lesen
A classic benchmark problem in computational electromagnetics is to solve for the radar cross section (RCS) of a sphere in free space illuminated by a plane wave. This model solves for the RCS of a metallic sphere that has a very high conductivity, which can be treated as a material with ... Mehr lesen
Reflective mufflers are best suited for the low-frequency range where only plane waves can propagate in the system, while dissipative mufflers with fibers are efficient in the mid- to high-frequency range. Dissipative mufflers based on flow losses, on the other hand, also work at low ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell zeigt, wie man ein anisotropes, inkompressibles, hyperelastisches Material zur Modellierung von weichem Kollagengewebe in Arterienwänden implementiert. Das verwendete hyperelastische Materialmodell basiert auf folgenden Veröffentlichungen: Holzapfel, G. A., Gasser, T. ... Mehr lesen
Cyclones are used in a variety of applications ranging from the mining industry to vacuum cleaners. The flow in a cyclone is characterized by a very strong swirl, which makes it difficult to simulate. In this tutorial example, the v2-f turbulence model is used to simulate the flow in a ... Mehr lesen