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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The aim of this study is to evaluate the airflow thermal distribution inside a storehouse in different operational conditions. A warehouse of 12,600 m3 in volume is considered for fluid-dynamical and thermal analysis. Coupled Navier-Stokes and energy equations are solved considering or ... Mehr lesen
Nowadays, designing ever more efficient power modules requires complex materials and more innovative methodologies. To significantly reduce the lead time of the devices and decrease the costs, especially during the prototyping and the testing phases, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can ... Mehr lesen
Micro-lenses with potential applications in optics on the surface of the various heavy-metal oxide glasses were created and studied experimentally [1-2]. Laser direct writing using continuous-wave laser emitting at 447 nm was successfully performed [2]. The aim of this study is to ... Mehr lesen
To this day seamless accessibility of local or cloud hardware for high performance computing as well as time consuming workflows involving sequencing and orchestration of available hardware for multiple simulation runs, remain limiting factors within the field of Multiphysics simulation ... Mehr lesen
As part of its research, the Group of Electrical Engineering – Paris (GeePs) uses the COMSOL Multiphysics® software for applications such as material modelling in Electrical Engineering, electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic non-destructive testing. Some problems involve ... Mehr lesen
The scaling down of Copper interconnects is an effective approach to increasing the number of signal I/O lines and performance in advanced fine-pitch packaging. However, as dimensions are reduced, the risk of electromigration-induced failures in the copper interconnects becomes ... Mehr lesen
An electrically heated fixed bed (19 mm diameter, 200 mm length) is investigated regarding its electrical conductivity. Various electrically conductive activated carbons are used. The fixed bed is constructed from activated carbon pellets and/or activated carbon fabric. Electrical ... Mehr lesen
Over the past million years, several cold ages have occurred and thereby caused perma-frost conditions basically all over the present area of Germany. Since in Germany the safe-ty of a nuclear waste repository legally needs to be investigated for a period of one million years, the ground ... Mehr lesen
Power-to-gas is an important area of research for reducing greenhouse gases and seasonal energy storage. Methane, with a Lower Heating Value of 50 MJ/kg, is already a commonly used gas, and its synthesis using green hydrogen production (electrolysis of renewable energy) is a remarkable ... Mehr lesen
While copper remains the dominant material for conduction paths in printed circuit board (PCB) applications, both technological and economic reasons have been motivating research on substituting copper with aluminum (Al). Despite its 60 % higher specific electrical resistance, aluminum ... Mehr lesen