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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
High power consumption chips have already become a major challenge for modern processors causing low thermal performances. Existing thermal solutions are not able to solve these high temperature issues efficiently. Two-phase cooling devices such as heat pipes and vapor chambers have ... Mehr lesen
Activated carbon filtration has proven to be a reliable method to clean indoor air. In such a system, air, contaminated with VOCs, is led through the filter where the contaminants are adsorbed onto the filter. However, for the long term stability of the air purification system, it is ... Mehr lesen
The growing adoption of electric vehicles has led to increased exposure of cars to stray magnetic fields. To address this issue, inductive position sensors have emerged as a viable solution due to their inherent immunity to stray magnetic fields. Widespread adoption of the inductive ... Mehr lesen
Historically, indoor air quality (IAQ) has received less attention than outdoors, although people spend >90% of their time in the indoor environment. A major group of indoor air pollutants is volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are detrimental to human health even at low ... Mehr lesen
Heterogeneous photocatalysis an advanced oxidation process (AOP) which in combination with a catalyst and UV irradiation completely mineralizes organic pollutants from water or gases into harmless compounds such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Photocatalysis as a process is ... Mehr lesen
Geological repository for highly radioactive waste disposal is a system of engineered and natural barriers. The objective of this system is to contain and isolate waste and protect the environment and humans from ionizing radiation. For the evaluation of performance of engineered ... Mehr lesen
In this study, we attempted to develop a simulation to better understand the kinetic of the dye regeneration process in photoanodes of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). For that purpose, a numerical model was developed using finite element simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The ... Mehr lesen
Re-crystallisation of Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys in a floating zone (FZ) optical furnace is a complex problem that depends not only on the compositions of the master alloy and a seed crystal but on the growth speed and evolution of the molten zone shape during the crystal growth process. We ... Mehr lesen
To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and limit global warming below 2 K compared to pre-industrial level, significant energy savings in all fields of industries will be required. One example of energy intensive processes in industrial fabrication is heat treatment. The applied ... Mehr lesen
A numerical model of laser welding process applied on highly optically reflective and thermally conductive materials such as copper has been developped. The latter considers multiphysical couplings of CFD, heat transfers and phase-field representation to account for topological ... Mehr lesen