Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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A Gaussian electromagnetic wave is incident on a dense array of very thin wires (or rods). The distance between the rods and, thus, the rod diameter is much smaller than the wavelength. Under these circumstances, the rod array does not function as a diffraction grating (see the Plasmonic ... Mehr lesen
A Luneburg lens is a type of graded index, or GRIN lens, in which the gradient of the refractive index leads to special focusing properties. This example model uses the Geometrical Optics interface to compute the curved ray trajectories in the graded-index medium. Mehr lesen
This example performs a topological optimization for a Tesla microvalve for an oscillating pressure drop. A Tesla microvalve inhibits backward flow using friction forces rather than moving parts, and therefore the objective is to maximize the average flow rate. The design can be ... Mehr lesen
This model computes the ion energy distribution function (IEDF) for a commercial capacitively coupled plasma reactor. The results show good agreement with experimental data. Mehr lesen
This model extracts spice parameters for a silicon p-n junction diode. The spice parameters are used to create a lumped-element equivalent circuit model of a half-wave rectifier that is compared to a full device level simulation. In this example, a device model is made by connecting a 2D ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to model prestressed bolts. The bolt geometry is taken from the Part Libraries. For comparison, one of the bolts is modeled using a thread contact formulation, whereas the other bolt is connected to the bolt hole by a pure continuity condition. The reduced ... Mehr lesen
Tutorial model of an air-cooled battery energy storage system (BESS). The model includes conjugate heat transfer with turbulent flow, fan curves, internal screens, and grilles. It features several interesting aspects: Fully parameterized geometry, which can be modified for different ... Mehr lesen
In offshore applications, it is sometimes necessary to quickly seal a pipe as part of the prevention of a blowout. This example shows a simulation, in which a circular pipe is squeezed between two flat stiff indenters until it is almost flat. The model serves as an example of an analysis ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to make a simple model for a binary distillation process. A thermodynamics property package, available in the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, is created to study the separation of a nonideal mixture of ethanol and water. The required equilibrium relationship ... Mehr lesen
In the semiconductor manufacturing process, photoresist coating is an important process and the thickness of the photoresist layer needs to be precisely controlled. Usually, the photoresist layer is thinned by spin coating. The specific principle is to use centrifugal force to throw ... Mehr lesen