Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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For several high-precision applications, especially in hydraulic systems and fuel injectors, micro bores are needed. In most cases the shape of the injection hole, especially the edge rounding, has a significant influence on the atomization of fluids and therefore on the combustion ... Mehr lesen
This benchmark model simulates a graded heterojunction using the thermionic emission formulation for the charge transfer over the junction. It shows the additional contribution to the current density from the quantum tunneling effect across the potential barrier, using the WKB ... Mehr lesen
In this benchmark model, solid particles are released in a fully developed turbulent channel flow. The particles are subjected to a drag force that includes contributions from the fluid turbulence, implemented using a Continuous Random Walk (CRW) model. Because the turbulence in the ... Mehr lesen
As oil flows through a pipeline section heat is released due to the work of internal friction forces in the fluid. With good insulation of the pipeline, this generated heat can be used to avoid preheating of the oil, despite the fact that it is to be transported in a cold environment ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates atmospheric galvanic corrosion of an aluminum alloy in contact with steel. The electrolyte film thickness depends on the relative humidity of the surrounding air and the salt load density of NaCl crystals on the metal surface. Empirical expressions for the oxygen ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model shows a system consisting of a Helmholtz resonator on the side of a main duct. The resonator volume is partly filled with a porous material. The model computes the reflection, transmission, and absorption of the system. Thermoviscous losses are included in the model ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial uses the submodeling technique to accurately resolve the stress concentrations in a wheel rim. First a global model is solved to obtain the displacements, which are then used as boundary conditions in a local model of the region where the stress concentrations occur. Mehr lesen
This example extends the Fuel Cell Cathode tutorial to also include liquid water transport in the oxygen electrode. Liquid water is produced using a user-defined expression for vapor condensation, depending on the relative humidity level in the gas phase. An experimental capillary ... Mehr lesen
Microlithography lenses are used to project the image of an integrated circuit onto a silicon substrate. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a 21-element fused silica lens which has a NA of 0.56 which is designed to be used at a wavelength of 248nm. The lens, which has a total ... Mehr lesen
The contact angle of a two-fluid interface with a solid surface is determined by the balance of the forces at the contact point. In electrowetting the balance of forces at the contact point is modified by the application of a voltage between a conducting fluid and the solid surface. In ... Mehr lesen