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In mode analysis it is usually the primary goal to find a propagation constant. This quantity is often, but not always, real valued; if the analysis involves some lossy part, such as a nonzero conductivity or an open boundary, the eigenvalue is complex. In such situations, the real and ... Mehr lesen
Extending the High Voltage Insulator model, this example shows how to set up an Optimization Study to determine the optimum position of the grading rings to obtain the highest flashover voltage. Mehr lesen
UHF RFID tags are widely used for identifying and tracking animals. This model simulates a passive radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag for the UHF frequency range. With respect to the chip transponder’s complex impedance, a reflection coefficient is computed. This is done using an ... Mehr lesen
Diese App demonstriert: Dynamisches Hilfesystem mit Card Stacks Mehrere Komponenten (1D und 3D) in einer einzigen App Schaltflächen in der Multifunktionsleiste zum Anzeigen verschiedener Eingaben, Ausblenden/Einblenden von Geometrieauswahlen und für dynamische Hilfe Geometrieteile und ... Mehr lesen
A solidly-mounted resonator (SMR) is a piezoelectric MEMS resonator formed on top of an acoustic mirror stack deposited on a thick substrate. This tutorial shows how to simulate an SMR in 3D. In this example, the eigenmodes were computed with varying number of particles attached to the ... Mehr lesen
Biconical antennas are popular for very high frequency (VHF) measurement because they support a wide frequency range. They are also useful for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing where the antenna can be used as an RF source in susceptibility or immunity test. This model ... Mehr lesen
It is more difficult to generate laser emissions in the short-wavelength part of the visible and near visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum than in the long-wavelength part. Nonlinear frequency mixing makes it easier to generate new short wavelengths from existing laser ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates how to optimize the thickness of a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) mirror coating material for maximum reflectivity. To reduce the simulation time, a Layered Impedance Boundary Condition is used to model the thin coating material on top of the metallic ... Mehr lesen
Wenn elektrische Energie in einem Elektromotor in mechanische Arbeit umgewandelt wird, wird die "verschwendete" Energie, die zur Erwärmung des Geräts führt, gewöhnlich als Verlust bezeichnet. Das Verhältnis von nutzbarer Arbeit zu eingegebener Energie, oder der Wirkungsgrad des Motors, ... Mehr lesen
Obtaining the steady-state performance is an essential task for the electric motor designer. As with many electromagnetic devices, the steady-state condition of an electric motor is when electric and magnetic field variations have stabilized to periodic variations. That is when ... Mehr lesen