Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Dies ist ein Modell eines einfachen thermoakustischen Motors, der einen thermischen Stack zur Umwandlung von Wärmeenergie in akustische Energie enthält. Das Modell wird mit zwei Ansätzen aufgebaut: 1) Mit einem linearen Störungsansatz (akustisch) wird die Fluidbewegung mit dem Interface ... Mehr lesen
This introduction model creates a simple model of the magnetostatics problem with a wire of infinite length carrying current, which is commonly found in textbooks. Since there is an analytical solution to this problem, the model can be used to compare theory with numerical results from ... Mehr lesen
In this tutorial model, different methods for modeling brittle damage are compared in a simple model of a uniaxially loaded bar. The localization of the deformation during fracture is studied using different discretization orders and regularization methods. Mehr lesen
This model shows an application of the Acoustic Diffusion Equation physics interface. The acoustics in a two-story one-family house consisting of 10 rooms is analyzed. The steady state sound pressure level and energy density distributions are analyzed for a monopole source located in ... Mehr lesen
The coaxial cable (coax) is one of the most ubiquitous transmission line structures. It is composed of a central circular conductor, surrounded by an annular dielectric, and shielded by an outer conductor. This model computes the electric and magnetic field distribution inside of the ... Mehr lesen
When several components are to be electroplated they are typically mounted on a rack in the electroplating bath. An important aspect is then achieving a uniform thickness of the plated layer for all components mounted on the rack. This example model allows for investigating the effect ... Mehr lesen
Topology optimization of the Navier-Stokes equations is encountered in different branches and applications, such as in the design of ventilation systems for cars. A common technique applicable to such problems is to let the distribution of porous material vary continuously. In this ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel wird die Freisetzung eines Medikaments aus einer Biomaterialmatrix in beschädigtes Zellgewebe modelliert. Konkret liefert eine Nervenleitschiene ein regenerierendes Medikament an geschädigte Nervenenden. Das Modell beinhaltet eine detaillierte Kinetik der ... Mehr lesen
Fluid dampers are used in military devices for shock isolation and in civil structures for suppressing earthquake-induced shaking and wind-induced vibrations, among many other applications. Fluid dampers work by dissipating the mechanical energy into heat. This model shows the phenomenon ... Mehr lesen
This app demonstrates the following: Geometry parts and parameterized geometry A results table form object containing outputs Finned pipes are used for coolers, heaters, or heat exchangers to increase heat transfer. They come in different sizes and designs depending on the ... Mehr lesen