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An Einzel lens is an electrostatic device used for focusing charged particle beams. It may be found in cathode ray tubes, ion beam and electron beam experiments, and ion propulsion systems. This particular model consists of three axially aligned cylinders. The outer cylinders are ... Mehr lesen
This model describes the three heat transfer modes: conduction, convection, and radiation, combined with nonisothermal flow in a realistic geometry representing a light bulb and the surrounding air. The LED chips dissipate heat. The model computes the equilibrium temperature induced by ... Mehr lesen
Bearings are used in machines to reduce the friction between moving parts and thereby smooth their relative motion. Rolling element bearings are one of the most widely used bearings, where rolling elements or rollers are used to support the load. These rollers can be of different shapes; ... Mehr lesen
Silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial furnaces are a specialized equipment for the production and preparation of SiC epitaxial wafers. This example model demonstrates the process of preparing an SiC epitaxial wafer based on the physical vapor transport (PVT) method in a furnace. This involves ... Mehr lesen
An isothermal single particle model formulation for a lithium-ion battery is presented in this work. The single particle model is a simplification of the 1D formulation for a lithium-ion battery along with a few assumptions. The model is typically valid for low-medium current scenarios. ... Mehr lesen
A classic benchmark problem in computational electromagnetics is to solve for the radar cross section (RCS) of a sphere in free space illuminated by a plane wave. This model solves for the RCS of a metallic sphere that has a very high conductivity, which can be treated as a material with ... Mehr lesen
At the resonance frequency, the capacitive coupling between the turns causes the impedance of a coil to transition from inductive to capacitive. This application analyzes the resonance of a 5 turn spiral coil of copper equipped with a thin epoxy varnish insulation layer. The capacitive ... Mehr lesen
These models use the Discrete Ordinates method (DOM) and P1 approximation to solve a 3D radiative transfer problem in an emitting, absorbing, and linear-anisotropic scattering finite cylindrical medium. Using the S6 quadrature of DOM leads to accurate results, which are needed in ... Mehr lesen
A transient model of a capacitor is solved in combination with an external electrical circuit. The finite element model of the capacitor is combined with a circuit model of a voltage source and a resistor. A step change in voltage is applied, and the transient current through the ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell wird eine Modalanalyse durchgeführt, während die Länge eines Wellenleiters parametrisch von 0,5 um bis 4 um gesweept wird, um die Dispersionskurve für den anisotropen Kern abzuleiten. Sowohl transversale als auch longitudinale Anisotropie werden in zwei verschiedenen ... Mehr lesen