Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Superconducting materials have zero resistivity up to a certain critical current density, above which the resistivity increases rapidly. To model such a material, this example uses the Magnetic Field Formulation physics interface. The model was based on a suggestion by Dr. Roberto ... Mehr lesen
This model how to build and solve a conductive heat transfer problem using the Heat Transfer interface. The model, taken from a NAFEMS benchmark collection, shows an axisymmetric steady-state thermal analysis. As opposed to the NAFEMS benchmark model, we use the temperature unit kelvin ... Mehr lesen
Anti-reflective coatings are frequently used in optical systems to reduce the amount of stray light produced when a beam of light crosses from one medium into another medium with a different refractive index. The simplest example of an anti-reflective coating is a quarter-wavelength ... Mehr lesen
Micromixers can either be static or dynamic depending on the required mixing time and length scale. For static mixers, the Reynolds number has to be suitable high to induce turbulence enhanced mixing. Often micromixers operate in the laminar flow regime due to their small characteristic ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to perform a random vibration analysis of a structure using power spectral density (PSD). The computations are based on the modal reduced order model (ROM). Mehr lesen
Linearmotoren werden in vielen Anwendungen eingesetzt, die eine translatorische Bewegung benötigen. Typische Merkmale von Linearmotoren sind hohe Präzision oder schnelle Beschleunigung. Dieses Modell untersucht einen Synchronmotor mit Dreiphasenwicklung auf dem stationären Teil und ... Mehr lesen
A vessel traveling on the surface or under water gives rise to detectable local disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field. These disturbances can be used to trigger weapon systems. The magnetic signature of a ship can be reduced by generating a counteracting magnetic field of suitable ... Mehr lesen
The principle component of a quadrupole mass spectrometer is the mass filter which is used to filter ions with different charge to mass ratios. The quadrupole mass filter has been well studied over the years, Ref. 1 and the physics and optimal design are well understood. In a real ... Mehr lesen
Im Tutorial-Modell Vibrationen in einem Induktionsmotor werden durch zeitharmonische Ströme in den Statorwicklungen und die Rotation des Rotors Wirbelströme im Rotor induziert. Die induzierten Ströme im Rotor interagieren mit dem Magnetfeld, das von den Spulen erzeugt wird, um das ... Mehr lesen
The elastic cantilever beam is one of the elementary structures used in MEMS designs. This model shows the bending of a cantilever beam under an applied electrostatic load. The model solves the deformation of the beam under an applied voltage. Mehr lesen