Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This is an example of a Fabry-Perot cavity, the simplest optical resonator structure. It is a classical problem in optics and photonics. Two methods are shown for computing the Q-factor. The losses in this model are purely via radiation away from the resonator. Mehr lesen
The backward facing step is an interesting case for studying the performance and solution strategy of a turbulence model. In this case, the flow is subjected to a sudden increase of cross-sectional area, resulting in a separation of flow starting at the point of expansion. Spatial ... Mehr lesen
Carbon dioxide in aqueous solution is highly corrosive and can cause significant damage to steel designs. Such conditions arise in pipes used in a variety of applications, especially within the petrochemical industry. In this tutorial example, turbulent flows consisting of carbon ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Tutorial wird ein Permanentmagnetmotor mit 10 Rotorpolen und 12 Statornuten in 2D modelliert, um die Drehmomentwelligkeit über eine elektrische Periode zu erfassen und die volumetrische Verlustdichte im Rotor- und Statoreisen darzustellen. Mehr lesen
A transient model of a capacitor is solved in combination with an external electrical circuit. The finite element model of the capacitor is combined with a circuit model of a voltage source and a resistor. A step change in voltage is applied, and the transient current through the ... Mehr lesen
Many complex fluids of interest exhibit a combination of viscous and elastic behavior under strain. Examples of such fluids are polymer solutions and melts, oil, toothpaste, and clay, among many others. The Oldroyd-B fluid presents one of the simplest constitutive models capable of ... Mehr lesen
This model solves the fluid flow and heat transfer in a micro heat exchanger made of stainless steel. These types of heat exchangers are found in lab-on-chip devices in biotechnology and micro reactors, for example for micro fuel cells. The model takes heat transferred through both ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial shows how to clean an imported CAD geometry using Geometry Cleanup. This helps to improve the mesh and reduce the total number of elements. Mehr lesen
This example model consists of a two-hot-arm thermal actuator made of polysilicon. The actuator is activated through thermal expansion. The temperature increase required to deform the two hot arms, and thus displace the actuator, is obtained through Joule heating (resistive heating). The ... Mehr lesen
In every system where there is conduction of electric current, and where the conductivity of the material is finite, there will be electric heating. Electric heating, also referred to as Joule heating, is in many cases an undesired by-product of current conduction. This model simulates a ... Mehr lesen