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Die Hauptverteidigung eines U-Boots besteht in seiner Fähigkeit, während der Fahrt verborgen zu bleiben. Da Radiowellen vom Meerwasser stark absorbiert werden, ist Sonar eine der wichtigsten Methoden zum Aufspüren von U-Booten. Sonarsysteme werden auch bei der Unterwasserforschung und in ... Mehr lesen
Copper electrowinning is the process of copper extraction from an electrolyte solution and its deposition at the cathode surface, by passing an external current through the electrolytic cell and using an insoluble anode. During the process, oxygen bubbles are generated at the anode ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to perform a submodeling analysis in order to evaluate structural stress. Using a submodel helps to compute the results in a refined geometry detail while applying loads and constraints in the global model. Mehr lesen
This example illustrates multiphase flow modeling in an airlift loop reactor. The reactor is filled with water and air bubbles are injected at the bottom through two frits. Due to buoyancy, the bubbles rise, inducing a circulating motion of the liquid. The model specifically investigates ... Mehr lesen
The stresses in a pulley connected to an engine that drives another pulley are studied in this model. A parametric analysis is conducted in order to study how the rotational speed affects the stress distribution in the pulley. The power at the pulley shaft remains constant, the moment ... Mehr lesen
Mithilfe der Modenanalyse werden die komplexen effektiven Indizes für eine mikrostrukturierte optische Faser (MOF) ermittelt, die aus Luftlöchern in einem Siliziumdioxid-Host besteht. Da der effektive Index kleiner ist als der Brechungsindex des Siliziumdioxid-Hintergrundmaterials, sind ... Mehr lesen
Concrete structures almost always contain reinforcements in the shape of steel bars ("rebars"). In COMSOL, rebars can be modeled either individually by adding a Truss interface to the Solid interface used for the concrete or using the Fiber subfeature to model their global effect. In ... Mehr lesen
Steel pipelines are often subjected to complex stress/strain conditions in the oil and gas industry. Additionally, pipes are subjected to significant longitudinal strain due to soil movement. For the elastoplastic stress simulation, the Solid Mechanics interface is used with the small ... Mehr lesen
Density variations can initiate flow even in a still fluid. In earth systems, density variations can arise from naturally occurring salts, subsurface temperature changes, or migrating pollution. This buoyant or density-driven flow factors into fluid movement in salt-lake systems, saline ... Mehr lesen
Power inductors are a central part of many low-frequency power applications. They are, for example, used in the switched power supply for the motherboard and all other components in a computer. Computer simulations are necessary in the design of such inductors. This model calculates the ... Mehr lesen