Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Dieses Beispiel simuliert die Temperaturdynamik in einer zylindrischen Batterie, die zunächst Raumtemperatur hat, nachdem sie in einen Ofen gestellt wurde. Mit steigender Temperatur werden verschiedene exotherme Zersetzungsreaktionen aktiviert, die wiederum zu einer weiteren Erwärmung ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel wird eine Festoxid-Elektrolysezelle modelliert, in der Wasserdampf reduziert wird, um an der Kathode Wasserstoffgas zu bilden, und an der Anode Sauerstoffgas entsteht. Die Stromverteilung in der Zelle ist mit dem kathodenseitigen Stofftransport von Wasserstoff und ... Mehr lesen
Many piezoelectric materials are ferroelectric. Ferroelectric materials exhibit nonlinear polarization behavior, such as hysteresis and saturation at large applied electric fields. In addition, the polarization and mechanical deformations in such materials can be strongly coupled due to ... Mehr lesen
A typical capacitor is composed of two conductive objects with a dielectric in between them. A voltage difference applied between these objects results in an electric field between them. This electric field exists not just directly between the conductive objects, but extends some ... Mehr lesen
This example investigates the electrical and thermal characteristics of a welding argon arc created in a point-to-plane configuration. The discharge is assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium. The electric arc is considered a conductive fluid medium and is modeled using a ... Mehr lesen
The present model example is based on Copper Deposition in a Trench model available in Electrodeposition Application Library. The nonuniform deposition along the trench surface leads to formation of a cavity/void. Since the Deformed Geometry interface cannot handle topological changes, ... Mehr lesen
The model performs a static analysis on a piezoelectric actuator based on the movement of a cantilever beam, using the Piezoelectric Devices predefined multiphysics interface. Inspired by work done by V. Piefort and A. Benjeddou, it models a sandwich beam using the shear mode of the ... Mehr lesen
This model extracts spice parameters for a silicon p-n junction diode. The spice parameters are used to create a lumped-element equivalent circuit model of a half-wave rectifier that is compared to a full device level simulation. In this example, a device model is made by connecting a 2D ... Mehr lesen
This example models the deposition of an inductor coil in 3D. The geometry includes the extrusion of the deposition pattern into an isolating photoresist mask, and a diffusion layer on top of the photoresist. The mass transfer of copper ions in the electrolyte has a major impact on the ... Mehr lesen
Battery electrodes featuring large heterogeneities in terms of particle sizes may sometimes not be adequately described by homogenized models using one single particle size only. As an alternative to adding multiple instances of the Additional Porous Electrode material node, this ... Mehr lesen