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This tutorial demonstrates the use of the Heat and Moisture Flow predefined interface for the modeling of heat transfer and moisture transport in a turbulent air flow, with the quantification of evaporation and condensation on surfaces, and the automatic handling of the associated latent ... Mehr lesen
This model studies the heat conduction in a thermal bridge made up of an iron bar and an insulation layer that separates a hot internal side from a cold external side. The heat flux between internal and external side and the maximum temperature on the external wall are compared them with ... Mehr lesen
A conductive diaphragm, an iris, placed transverse to a waveguide aperture causes a discontinuity and generates shunt reactance. Bandpass frequency response can be achieved from cascaded cavity resonators combined with these reactive elements which can be created by inserting a series of ... Mehr lesen
The drift velocity of Ar+ is calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation in which the elastic collisions of Argon ions with ambient neutrals are explicitly modeled. The model uses energy-dependent collision cross-section data from experiment. The average ion velocity values are consistent ... Mehr lesen
A very wide band coaxial low-pass filter is designed using a 2D axisymmetric model. To address the wide band frequency response with a fine frequency resolution, the model is built with a transient physics interface first. Then, S-parameters are calculated using a time-to-frequency ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to engineer the structure of materials such that both the permittivity and permeability are negative. Such materials are realized by engineering a periodic structure with features comparable in scale to the wavelength. It is possible to model both the individual unit cells ... Mehr lesen
The Gregory-Maksutov telescope is a simple catadioptric telescope comprising a spherical corrector lens and a spherical primary mirror. In this example the corrector lens and mirror are formed using the 'Spherical Lens 3D' and 'Spherical Mirror 3D' parts respectively from the Ray Optics ... Mehr lesen
This model showcases the broadband optimization for the Microstructured antireflective coatings that are modeled in the model (#99011). Following are the parameters that are optimized: Rectangular microstructure: Height and width of the rectangular microstructure. Pyramidal ... Mehr lesen
A cascaded cavity filter provides much better bandpass filter performance compared to a single cavity. Out-of-band rejection improves dramatically using a cascaded design. This model uses three rectangular cavity filters coupled via slots. The calculated S-parameters show excellent out ... Mehr lesen
This model showcases how to solve for the scattered field when knowing the incident field for three different types of scatterer, i.e. an infinitely rigid one, a cavity and an elastic inclusion. This formulation can be useful when the scatterer is in the far-field of the source, such ... Mehr lesen