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The demand for phased array antennas increases not only for the traditional military industry but also in commercial areas such 5G mobile network platforms, Internet of Things (IoT), and satellite communication applications. This example shows how to design a phased array with a beam ... Mehr lesen
Ein Tonpilz-Schallwandler wird für relativ niederfrequente Schallabstrahlung mit hoher Leistung verwendet. Er ist eine der beliebtesten Schallwandler-Konfigurationen für SONAR-Anwendungen. Der Schwinger besteht aus piezokeramischen Ringen, die zwischen einer Kopfmasse und einer Endmasse ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell analysiert die nichtlineare Transferimpedanz einer sich verjüngenden Öffnung, die Teil einer perforierten oder mikroperforierten Platte (MPP) sein kann. Die Analyse wird für verschiedene Verjüngungsgrade der Perforation und für einen Frequenzbereich durchgeführt. Eine ... Mehr lesen
Micromirrors are used in certain MEMS devices to control optic elements. This example model illustrates a mirror that is initially actuated for a short time and then exhibits damped vibrations. It simulates a vibrating micromirror surrounded by air and uses the Thermoviscous Acoustics, ... Mehr lesen
This model showcases how to solve for the scattered field when knowing the incident field for three different types of scatterer, i.e. an infinitely rigid one, a cavity and an elastic inclusion. This formulation can be useful when the scatterer is in the far-field of the source, such ... Mehr lesen
This model presents a 2D axisymmetric dipolar microwave plasma source sustained through resonant heating of the electrons. This is known as electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), which occurs when a suitable high magnetic flux density is present along with the microwaves. This is an ... Mehr lesen
The problem of a plane wave scattering off a cylinder-shaped object suggests the use of the 2D axisymmetric formulation. This can save computation time and reduce the memory usage compared to the model in 3D space. This example demonstrates the use of the built-in plane wave expansion ... Mehr lesen
This is a small 2D demonstration model that couples the Linearized Navier-Stokes, Frequency Domain, Solid Mechanics, and Turbulent Flow (k-epsilon) physics interfaces to model the vibrations of a plate located in a 2D viscous parallel plate flow. This type of model is used to model fluid ... Mehr lesen
Underground train grids span large areas under London, Paris, New York, and other cities. The building regulations require strict noise standards, and failure to comply could result in significant losses in the market prices of developments. Therefore, train-induced noise has to be ... Mehr lesen
In dieser Reihe von Verifikationsmodellen und der dazugehörigen Dokumentation wird die Genauigkeit von Berechnungen der elektromagnetischen Kraft untersucht. Mit verschiedenen Techniken werden die Gesamtkraft und das Drehmoment auf einen starren Körper bestimmt und mit analytischen ... Mehr lesen