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Dieses Modell zeigt, wie ein einfacher piezoelektrischer Nanogenerator auf Basis eines Auslegers analysiert werden kann. Der Nanogenerator wird mit einer sinusförmigen Beschleunigung beaufschlagt, und die Ausgangsleistung wird als Funktion der Frequenz, der Lastimpedanz und der ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to set up a piezoelectric transducer problem following the work of Y. Kagawa and T. Yamabuchi. The composite piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer has a cylindrical geometry that consists of a piezoceramic layer, two aluminum layers, and two adhesive layers. The ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial is intended as a simple example showing how to model piezoelectric devices using the layered shell functionality. Two cases of material orientation are investigated. In the first case, the pole axis is normal to the shell surface, which results in a change in thickness of ... Mehr lesen
Silicon micromechanical resonators have long been used for designing sensors and are now becoming increasingly important as oscillators in the consumer electronics market. In this series of models, a surface micromachined MEMS resonator, designed as part of a micromechanical filter, is ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model is kindly provided by Riccardo Vietri, James Ransley and Andrew Spann at Veryst Engineering, LLC. Piezoelectric micropumps are frequently used in medical applications because of their ability to precisely control the metering of very small volumes of fluids or gases. ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a random vibration test of electronic equipment is simulated. Three analyses are performed, one for acceleration in each global direction. Accelerations in the components and forces in clamping bolts are evaluated. Mehr lesen
Micropumps are key components of microfluidic systems with applications ranging from biological fluid handling to microelectronic cooling. This model simulates the mechanism of a valveless micropump, that is designed to be effective at low Reynolds numbers, overcoming hydrodynamic ... Mehr lesen
Electronic equipment often has to be certified to function after having been subjected to a specified shock load. In this example, the effect of an 50g 11ms half sine shock on a circuit board is investigated using response spectrum analysis. The results are compared with a time domain ... Mehr lesen
AT cut quartz crystals are widely employed in a range of applications, from oscillators to microbalances. One of the important properties of the AT cut is that the resonant frequency of the crystal is temperature independent to first order. This is desirable in both mass sensing and ... Mehr lesen
This model analyzes the thermal expansion in a MEMS device, such as a microgyroscope, where thermal expansion should be minimized. The device is made from the copper-beryllium alloy UNS C17500 and uses temperature-dependent material properties from the Material Library. The purpose of ... Mehr lesen