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The ball grid array (BGA) technology is a surface-mount technology widely used in electronic packaging. Usually, there are two types of solder balls considered in the array, including the functional balls that are required for electric connections and the support balls that are used only ... Mehr lesen
When high-fidelity measurement microphones are calibrated, a pressure reciprocity calibration method is used. During calibration, two microphones are connected at each end of a closed cylindrical cavity. For the calibration procedure, it is important to understand the acoustic field ... Mehr lesen
Buckling is a structural instability that can lead to failure of a component even without initial material failure. Computation of the critical buckling loads and mode shapes can therefore be important from a design viewpoint, even though it has previously been determined that the ... Mehr lesen
Ein Benchmark-Modell des Rainflow-Zählalgorithmus vergleicht die Ergebnisse zwischen dem ASTM- und dem COMSOL-Ermüdungsmodul unter Verwendung eines flachen Zugprüfkörpers. Es wird eine Erweiterung für die Berechnung der kumulativen Schädigung nach dem Palmgren-Miner-Modell vorgenommen ... Mehr lesen
When computing ray intensity in 2D axisymmetric models, the wavefront associated with the propagating ray is treated as a spherical or ellipsoidal wave, instead of a cylindrical wave. This tutorial example illustrates how to set up several important features using the Ray Acoustics ... Mehr lesen
Sound is generated by a point source located in the wall of this test bench car interior. The sound pressure level response at a point of measurement is investigated for a range of frequencies and four different mesh resolutions. The model is first solved with the default direct solvers. ... Mehr lesen
A steel ball is pressed down against a rubber membrane. When the contact pressure exceeds a certain value, the two parts start sticking together. When the ball is retracted, the membrane is pulled upwards in the bonded region. During the retraction, the bond is partially broken. This ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Beispiel besteht aus einer 2D-Analyse der Ausbreitungsmoden in der Kammer eines Schalldämpfers. In diesem Fall wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Wände des Schalldämpfers aus einem linear elastischen Material bestehen, und ihr Einfluss auf die Moden, die sich durch den Querschnitt ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how shape optimization can be used to design an acoustic demultiplexer. A demultiplexer is a data distributing device, in this case it will distribute acoustic energy. The geometry consists of a circular domain with one input port and two output ports. The domain has the ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a rotor supported on two hydrodynamic bearings is analyzed. An eccentric disk located between the two bearings causes the rotor to whirl. One of the bearings is misaligned with the axis of the rotor. The Beam Rotor with Hydrodynamic Bearing interface in the ... Mehr lesen