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This example simulates an oil droplet rising through a suspension. The suspension is initially stratified, with a dense layer between two clear layers. The droplet is initially located in the bottom clear layer. The particles in the suspension start to sediment toward the bottom of the ... Mehr lesen
Hochleistungs-Batterie-Energiespeichersysteme (BESS) sind häufig mit Flüssigkeitskühlsystemen ausgestattet, um die von den Batterien während des Betriebs erzeugte Wärme abzuführen. Dieses Tutorial zeigt, wie man ein High-Fidelity-Modell eines flüssigkeitsgekühlten BESS-Packs definiert ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we show how to model Seebeck effect which works as a thermoelectric generator. Seebeck effect is a phenomena where the difference in temperature of a material leads to a potential difference. The potential drawn in this model was compared with the paper by Jaegle (Example ... Mehr lesen
Continuous mixing is used in process equipment to mix components in a single pass. Compared to batch mixing, this operation has the advantage that the tank filling and emptying steps are eliminated, implying that the process can be run without interruptions. A disadvantage of continuous ... Mehr lesen
This model how to build and solve a conductive heat transfer problem using the Heat Transfer interface. The model, taken from a NAFEMS benchmark collection, shows an axisymmetric steady-state thermal analysis. As opposed to the NAFEMS benchmark model, we use the temperature unit kelvin ... Mehr lesen
Applying an electric field across a suspension of immiscible liquids may stimulate droplets of the same phase to coalesce. The method known as electrocoalescence has important applications, for instance, in the separation of oil from water. To model electrocoalescence, you need to solve ... Mehr lesen
In massive forming processes like rolling or extrusion, metal alloys are deformed in a hot solid state with material flowing under ideally plastic conditions. Such processes can be simulated effectively using computational fluid dynamics, where the material is considered as a fluid with ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how you can use the Non-Isothermal Pipe Flow interface together with the Heat Transfer in Solids interface to model the cooling of a injection molded polyurethane part for a car steering wheel. The equations describing the cooling channels are fully coupled to the heat ... Mehr lesen
In this example water ponded in a ring on the ground moves into a relatively dry soil column and carries a chemical with it. As it moves through the variably saturated soil column, the chemical attaches to solid particles, slowing the solute transport relative to the water. Additionally ... Mehr lesen
This problem follows a typical preliminary board-level thermal analysis. First perform a simulation of the board with some Integrated Circuits (ICs). Then, add a disk-stack heat sink to observe cooling effects. Finally, explore adding a copper layer to the bottom of the board in order to ... Mehr lesen