Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This example extends the analysis made in the model Electrodeposition on a Resistive Patterned Wafer by including the diffusion and convection of copper ions in the electrolyte. The coupled mass transport convection-diffusion effects are of interest in this type of reactor since they ... Mehr lesen
This model reproduces the NiCd battery model and the results presented in De Vidts' and White's paper from 1995. Ref: P. De Vidts, R. E. White, “Mathematical Modeling of a Nickel-Cadmium Cell: Proton Diffusion in the Nickel Electrode”, J. Electrochem. Soc, Vol. 142, No. 5, May 1995. Mehr lesen
This example studies the kinetics of the neutralization of chlorine gas in water solution. The model assumes that the fluid volume is perfectly mixed and constant. This means that the chlorine has dissolved to an almost saturated state (1·10-2 mol/m3) and that the hydroxide has also ... Mehr lesen
This app demonstrates the following: How an app can be used as a teaching tool An 8 question multiple choice quiz where the answers can be sent to the grader by email This app calculates the equilibrium compositions in gas phase conversion of ethylene to ethanol. It allows you to ... Mehr lesen
A bipolar membrane consists of one anion-selective, and one cation-selective membrane, in contact with each other. The combined cation and anion selectivity makes the bipolar membrane highly impermeable to all ions, with the exception of H+ and OH- which are formed by water splitting ... Mehr lesen
The common electroanalytical method of exhaustive amperometric detection in a microscopic thin layer is modelled as a 1D-symmetric diffusion problem. The simulated result agrees with the analytical Cottrell equation at short times, and deviates as expected at long times when the ... Mehr lesen
An established method for benchmarking the atmospheric corrosion resistance of materials is the use of accelerated corrosion tests (ACT) performed in climate chambers. The main purpose of the ACTs is to make reliable and fast predictions of the long time behavior. The tests expose ... Mehr lesen
As reactant monomer converts into polymer chains, the density of the reacting mixture often changes notably. In this example you will look at how this effect impacts the total production of polymer in a process. The liquid phase polymerization takes place in a semibatch reactor, where ... Mehr lesen
A catalyst particle with a hypothetical microstructure is described in detail. The heterogeneous description is approximated in a second model with a homogeneous particle and the results from the two approaches are compared. See: https://www.comsol.se/blogs/modeling-approaches-in ... Mehr lesen
Tutorial model investigating a set of two competing reactions. The model demonstrates the natural modeling strategy for reaction engineering in COMSOL Multiphysics®. That is, how to go from chemical equations to space-dependent models of reacting flow with a minimum of work. Mehr lesen