Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This conceptual model analyzes the influence of leaks on the acoustic response of an earbud speaker placed in an ear-canal-like geometry. Built-in impedance models are used to capture the effects of a perforated plate in front of the speaker, skin impedance, and ear drum impedance. The ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to perform a hearing aid acoustic feedback response analysis, including both the in-ear hearing aid and the hearing aid cassette. The hearing aid modeled is a ReSound OMNIA™ device from GN Hearing A/S. The hearing aid is tested on a combined pinna and ear ... Mehr lesen
This model describes the pressure wave propagation in a muffler for an internal combustion engine. The purpose of the model is to show how to analyze both inductive and resistive damping in pressure acoustics as well as coupling the fluid to the surrounding elastic shell structure of the ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the External Stress feature in the Solid Mechanics interface is used to provide the material model with the nonsymmetric stress required in the design of an elastic invisibility cloak. The cloak is a domain with special material properties aimed at shielding a region of ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Tutorial-Modell zeigt einen virtuellen Testaufbau eines Konferenzlautsprechers. Das Lautsprechersystem besteht aus einem Lautsprecher sowie drei Mikrofonen. Das Modell veranschaulicht die Schallabstrahlung des Lautsprechers, die Rückkopplung sowie die Fähigkeit des Systems, ... Mehr lesen
Optoakustophorese ist ein Begriff, der das Zusammenspiel zwischen Akustik und optischen Feldern beschreibt. In den meisten Fällen (so auch in diesem) erwärmt das optische Feld das Material und beeinflusst somit das akustische Feld. In diesem Beispiel einer akustischen Falle wird eine ... Mehr lesen
Micromirrors are used in certain MEMS devices to control optic elements. This example model illustrates a mirror that is initially actuated for a short time and then exhibits damped vibrations. It simulates a vibrating micromirror surrounded by air and uses the Thermoviscous Acoustics, ... Mehr lesen
This small tutorial model studies energy conservation in a small conceptual test setup. The model has an inlet and outlet (modeled using ports) and a Helmholtz resonator with a very narrow neck. The acoustics in the narrow neck are modeled with Thermoviscous Acoustic for a detailed ... Mehr lesen
Loudspeaker design is a challenging task, where the design objective is to achieve better sound quality without violating manufacturing and operational constraints. The quality of sound depends on many parameters; one of them is the ability to control, damp, and shift the diaphragm ... Mehr lesen
This simple tutorial model shows how to set up a parametric sweep over a number of frequency bands (octaves or 1/3 octaves) and remesh once per band. A frequency sweep is performed within each band, which now has an adequate mesh resolution. This approach saves some computational effort ... Mehr lesen