Forced Vibration Analysis of a Composite Laminate
Application ID: 67731
Delamination or the separation of layers is a common failure mode in laminated composite materials. Various factors, including loading, defects in the material, and environmental conditions can trigger the initiation and propagation of layer separation. This leads to degraded structural performance and sometimes even complete failure of the structure.
This example considers the response of a delaminated plate under forced vibration. The composite plate is analyzed for two different locations of delamination and compared with the intact plate, without delamination. The plate is made of three layers with [90/45/0] stacking. The delamination is assumed to occur in a circular or semi-circular region between the second and third layers of the laminate and modeled using the layerwise theory.
The frequency response analysis of the composite plate is performed under bending as well as twisting loads and the response of the plate in terms of impedance and transverse velocity is measured at different points on the plate.

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- COMSOL Multiphysics® und
- Composite Materials Module und
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