Smartphone Microspeaker and Port Acoustics: Linear and Nonlinear Analysis
Application ID: 90821
This tutorial model shows how to model a microspeaker located in a smart phone including the radiation through and interaction with the acoustic port that connects to the exterior. The model demonstrates a linear frequency domain analysis as well as a nonlinear time domain analysis.
A lumped electrical circuit is used for the electromechanical representation of the microspeaker (a classical Thiele-Small model). The circuit is coupled to the acoustic domain using the built-in Lumped Speaker Boundary feature.
In the frequency domain, the (linear) response of the system is analyzed for a range of frequencies from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. In the time domain, the distortion and additional nonlinear resistive losses associated with acoustic-generated vortex shedding at the port are modeled. Here the Nonlinear Thermoviscous Acoustic Contributions are added to the Thermoviscous Acoustics, Transient interface.

Dieses Beispiel veranschaulicht Anwendungen diesen Typs, die mit den folgenden Produkten erstellt wurden:
Allerdings können zusätzliche Produkte erforderlich sein, um es vollständig zu definieren und zu modellieren. Weiterhin kann dieses Beispiel auch mit Komponenten aus den folgenden Produktkombinationen definiert und modelliert werden:
- COMSOL Multiphysics® und
- Acoustics Module und
- Design Module und
- entweder AC/DC Module, Battery Design Module, MEMS Module, Plasma Module, RF Module, oder Semiconductor Module
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