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Simultaneous differential equations

Maria Fernanda Guzmán

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I'm just starting to learn how to use Comsol. I need to introduce a system of several differential equations that have to be solved simultaneously, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone explain me, please, the steps for introducing these equations and how to couple them so the software can solve them?

Thank you!

1 Reply Last Post 31.05.2012, 02:08 GMT-4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 31.05.2012, 02:08 GMT-4

try the model libry PDE examples, a good book I used was the one of Zimmerann, but its describing the old v3.3 so its probably confusing for you to apply it on v4 before you have grabbed most of the COMSOL notations, but worth a try. I do not know if the new book of Pryor covers PDE

Good luck
Hi try the model libry PDE examples, a good book I used was the one of Zimmerann, but its describing the old v3.3 so its probably confusing for you to apply it on v4 before you have grabbed most of the COMSOL notations, but worth a try. I do not know if the new book of Pryor covers PDE -- Good luck Ivar

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