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Load cases in Frequency Domain study

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Hello everyone,

I am solving vibro-acoustic problems in the frequency domain using COMSOL v5.2a. For my current problem, I have to solve the same discretized structure for several (say N) different loading conditions.

In a stationary study, I would simply define N load cases so that COMSOL solves A*X = B (with X and B being matrices with N columns, each representing each load case), instead of N times A*x = b. The former approach is much more efficient than the latter, because A needs to be inverted only once.

However, when performing my frequency domain study, I cannot find the load case settings under "Study Extensions" of the frequency domain study. Is this approach not supported in the frequency domain or am I missing something here?

I am very grateful for any kind of help.

Best regards,

1 Reply Last Post 15.06.2017, 07:23 GMT-4
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 8 years ago 15.06.2017, 07:23 GMT-4
Updated: 8 years ago 15.06.2017, 07:27 GMT-4
Hi Felix,

This is not supported, but your request seems reasonable. I have filed an enhancement suggestion.

Hi Felix, This is not supported, but your request seems reasonable. I have filed an enhancement suggestion. Regards, Henrik

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