Simulating Food Industry Processes and Devices
Länge: 59:20
Simulation software can be used to improve processes and devices that are used in food production, preparation, and packaging.
In this archived webinar, we show how COMSOL Multiphysics® software can be used for simulating both food industry processes (such as cooking, freezing, and drying) and devices used therein. We also discuss heat and mass transfer, refrigeration and heating appliances, food safety and quality, and drying and processing techniques.
Introduction and Agenda (0:00)
Multiphysics Simulation in the Food Industry (1:10)
Simulation Capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics (5:59)
What COMSOL Users are Simulating (15:42)
Live Demo (18:31)
Application Discussion (34:18)
Relevant Applications from the COMSOL Libraries (45:22)
Q&A Session (45:45)
How to Try COMSOL Multiphysics (58:06)
Contact Us (58:58)