In Übereinstimmung mit unserer Qualitätspolitik unterhält COMSOL eine Bibliothek aus hunderten dokumentierter Modellbeispiele, die regelmäßig mit der neuesten Version der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software getestet werden, einschließlich Benchmark-Probleme von ASME und NAFEMS sowie TEAM-Probleme.
Unsere Verification and Validation (V&V) Testsuite bietet konsistent genaue Lösungen, die mit Analyseergebnissen und etablierten Benchmark-Daten verglichen werden. Die folgenden dokumentierten Modelle sind Teil der in der COMSOL Multiphysics® Software integrierten Anwendungsbibliotheken. Sie beinhalten Referenzwerte und Quellen für eine Vielzahl von Benchmarks sowie eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um die erwarteten Ergebnisse auf dem eigenen Computer zu reproduzieren. Mit diesen Modellen können Sie nicht nur Ihre Aufwendungen für die Software-Qualitätssicherung (SQA) und die numerische Code-Verifikation (NCV) dokumentieren, sondern sie auch im Rahmen von internen Trainingsprogrammen einsetzen.
This example shows the behavior of the coupled damage-plasticity material model for concrete when subjected to different loading conditions. Mehr lesen
In this example, a triaxial test is simulated using the Hardening Soil material model. The test consists of two stages; an initial isotropic compression followed by axial compression. A hyperbolic stress-strain relation is recovered. It is also verified that the asymptotic value of the ... Mehr lesen
The vibration modes of a thin or thick circular disc are well known, and it is possible to compute the corresponding eigenfrequencies to arbitrary precision from a series solution. The same is true for the acoustic modes of an air-filled cylinder with perfectly rigid walls. A more ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates a small vibrating hemispherical particle in water. The particle has a radius of 1 mm and is oscillating in the axial direction at a frequency of 50 kHz. The vibrations induce acoustic waves in the fluid. The example demonstrates how to set up a thermoviscous ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modellbeispiel zeigt, wie Sie die nichtlineare Ausbreitung einer zylindrischen Welle mithilfe dem im Acoustics Module von COMSOL Multiphysics verfügbaren Physik-Interface Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit modellieren. Das Interface implementiert das System der ... Mehr lesen
This example explores the shift in natural frequencies caused by changing the temperature. One study investigates a doubly clamped beam where both ends are fixed, while the other study looks at a cantilever beam where only one end is fixed. The following effects are studied: Stress ... Mehr lesen
This example models the radiation of fan noise from the annular duct of a turbofan aeroengine. When the jet stream exits the duct, a vortex sheet appears along the extension of the duct wall due to the surrounding air moving at a lower speed. The near field on both sides of the vortex ... Mehr lesen
This model serves the purpose of validation and verification of the Linear Elastic Material, Layered model in the Shell interface. In COMSOL Multiphysics, composites are analyzed either based on Layerwise 3D elasticity theory through the Layered Shell interface or based on FSDT-ESL ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the Extended Barcelona Basic Model (BBMx) is used to model oedometer, uniaxial swelling, triaxial, and constrained swelling tests on bentonite clays in order to recover the hydromechanical characteristics of the soil samples. There is a good qualitative agreement ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates a standard test and benchmark model for nonreflecting conditions and sponge layers for linearized Euler-like systems. It involves the propagation of a transient Gaussian pulse in a 2D uniform flow. The Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit interface solves the ... Mehr lesen