All Solutions
The MUMPS Solver Crashes or Hangs During Cluster Simulation
Solution Number: 1263 Versions: 5.4When running large models on a cluster with COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4, the MUMPS solver hangs or crashes. This issue has been fixed in Update 4 for COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4. Please update your COMSOL installation to ...
Improving Convergence of Transient Models
Solution Number: 1262 Versions: All versionsTransient models involve computing a solution that varies over time. To do so, the software begins with the given initial conditions and computes the evolution of the unknowns using one of several different time ...
Performing a Mesh Refinement Study
Solution Number: 1261 Versions: All versionsHow do I gain confidence in the accuracy of the solution to my problem? How do I perform a mesh refinement study? All of the numerical methods used within COMSOL Multiphysics® discretize the modeling space via a Mesh ...
What to do when a linear stationary model is not solving
Solution Number: 1260 Versions: All versionsI am solving a linear stationary finite element model but the software is not solving. Why? What can I do about this? A linear finite element model is one in which all of the material properties, loads, boundary ...
How can I see the equations COMSOL is defining? How do I implement a user-defined Multiphysics coupling?
Solution Number: 1259 Versions: All versionsI would like to define my own customized coupling between two existing physics interfaces. How can I do this? How can I find the names of the variables that I will need to use? How can I see the names of all ...
Understanding the Fully Coupled vs. Segregated approach and Direct vs. Iterative Linear Solvers
Solution Number: 1258 Versions: All versionsHow, and why, switch between a fully coupled and a segregated approach to solving a multiphysics model? How, and why, switch between the direct and iterative linear system solver? ## Fully Coupled versus Segregated ...
Solving electromagnetic heating models with high-frequency loads
Solution Number: 1257 Versions: All versionsI am solving a Multiphysics problem involving electromagnetics and heat transfer. The electromagnetic fields are varying at a constant frequency, and the period is very short compared to the timespan over which the ...
I get an error message when trying to open my glTF-file in an external viewer
Solution Number: 1256 Versions: 5.4After exporting a glTF-file from my COMSOL Multiphysics model, I get an error message when I try to open it in an external viewer. The most probable cause for this issue is that the external glTF-file you are using ...
Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model
Solution Number: 1255 Versions: All versionsMy models contain a lot of solution data, and I do not want my file sizes to get too large, it takes a lot of disk space. What can I do to reduce file size? Will this reduce the time it takes to solve the model? File ...
Controlling the Time Dependent Solver Timesteps
Solution Number: 1254 Versions: All versionsI am solving a transient model and changed the stepsize in the Times: field in the Study Settings, but the solver is still taking exactly the same timesteps. It seems the timesteps that the solver is taking are not ...