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In this Q&A, Michele Colloca of Sonion discusses the main challenges in designing hearing aids and how modeling and simulation helps accelerate R&D. Sonion is a global leader in designing and manufacturing components for hearing instruments and for the professional audio segment. Mehr lesen
iBMB, a spin-off of the University of Basilicata, developed a simulation app to help oncologists better monitor and assess solid tumor progression for breast cancer. The app is ready for implementation in a clinical setting. Mehr lesen
Wood Thilsted, a leader in offshore engineering, used structural analysis to design boat landings that can withstand the relentless force of the sea and frequent interactions with 200-tonne vessels. Mehr lesen
NASA combines thermal modeling and experimental testing to find the best compressor design for the system that keeps the air breathable at the International Space Station. Mehr lesen
Die Schweizer Forschungsorganisation Empa hat multiphysikalische Modelle entwickelt und eine Simulations-App kompiliert, deren Ergebnisse in eine Smartphone-App einfließen, die von Kleinbauern und Händlern genutzt wird, um die Haltbarkeit von Frischwaren vorherzusagen und so die ... Mehr lesen
Zeit, Temperatur, Materialauswahl, Wetterbedingungen und Gießtechnik können das Verhalten von Beton im frühen Alter beeinflussen. Um ihnen zu helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, gibt Heidelberg Materials Bauunternehmern die Multiphysik-Simulation in Form einer Simulations-App an ... Mehr lesen
Open-plan offices offer a collaborative workspace environment. However, they also allow for frequent noise distractions from neighboring colleagues. To improve the acoustical conditions of an open-plan workspace, Swiss consultancy Zeugin Bauberatungen turned to modeling and simulation. Mehr lesen
Semiconductor manufacturing and particle physics research depend on high-vacuum or ultra-high-vacuum (HV/UHV) conditions. To help develop a better ionization gauge for measuring pressure in HV/UHV environments, INFICON of Liechtenstein used multiphysics modeling to refine their design. Mehr lesen
Das Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA) arbeitet an wasserstoffbetriebenen Fahrzeugen. Das TRINA-Team setzt Simulationen ein, um den F&E-Prozess für Brennstoffzellen-Strömungsfeldplatten zu beschleunigen. Mehr lesen
India’s transportation sector is pursuing ambitious electrification goals, and so manufacturers must optimize battery management systems (BMS). Exicom uses multiphysics simulation to understand the thermal behavior of battery packs, which helps to calibrate vehicle BMS designs. Mehr lesen