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Consumers of power rely on fairly stable voltages. Transformers contain tap changers which vary the ratio of secondary to primary turns by switching the point at which either the input or output circuits are connected. Changing this ratio enables stepped voltage regulation of the output. ... Mehr lesen
There are several kinds of technology that designers at Sharp Laboratories of Europe work to create. From LED lighting, displays, and microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technology, to complex energy systems used in various devices, Sharp needed a new approach to finding the best designs. COMSOL ... Mehr lesen
Stealth airplanes and ships avoid radar detection by optimizing the shape of surfaces to reflect away from the radar source or absorb its energy. Yet, if a ship or aircraft’s antenna for communication purposes is to operate properly, it cannot be completely covered up. This makes it one ... Mehr lesen
As the world becomes more digital, there is growing demand for advanced wireless systems. Increasingly high data rate transmission systems mean that components like microwave filters must fit into smaller and smaller spaces, and multiple filters need to be integrated into compact ... Mehr lesen
Combining acoustic and electromagnetic analyses helps scientists to more efficiently measure and survey subterranean regions. Acoustic waves can travel long distances, but have limitations when it comes to providing details about formation properties, and cannot be used to identify the ... Mehr lesen
The induction stove was designed to meet a consumer need for better precision and speed than traditional stoves. Designers were tasked with improving the energy efficiency of the induction coils-stovepot interaction considering both the thermal and electromagnetics of the system. Miele, ... Mehr lesen
High-power laser beam welding uses a localized heat source to achieve narrow deep welds and high welding rates. Engineers run into some difficulties because the use of a localized heat source often results in the distortion of metal components; spattering and the ejection of droplets ... Mehr lesen
Modern cars offer a wide range of complex functionality that comes with several design challenges. This story discusses some of the necessary updates to a roof module in a premium car and the charging system of an electric car. The roof module of a particular model houses several ... Mehr lesen
Radiation therapy targeting in cancer treatment involves many uncertainties, including the movement of targeted sites due to breathing and the like. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can accurately identify the location of a tumor in soft tissue, but unfortunately its magnetic field can ... Mehr lesen
Cochlear Technology Centre Europe (CTCE) develops new technology for hearing implants. Their current work is with a new type of hearing implant, a Direct Acoustic Cochlear Implant called CodacsTM. This product imposes structural, pressure waves directly to the cochlea, stimulating it ... Mehr lesen