Zhejiang Electro-Acoustic R&D Center, CAS

Address & Contact Information
1# Rooms 1107-1307
568 Jinyang Road(E.)
314100, Jiashan
Phone: (0573) 8429 1362
Fax: (0573) 8429 1362
Email: jsbs@mail.ioa.ac.cn
Zhejiang Electro-Acoustic R&D Center, CAS was founded in 2007 by the Institute of Acoustics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Government of Jiashan County. Our company focuses on the development and optimization of electroacoustic devices, while providing consultancy and services in:
- Technical research
- Simulations of electroacoustic devices
- Training
For many years, we have offered our technical services to leading companies in the electroacoustic industry. These services include simulation studies of car speakers, microspeakers, tweeters, and more. Additionally, we have helped in product development for acoustic signal processing applications; the design and manufacturing of electroacoustic test equipment; and testing the quality of electroacoustic products.
Areas of Expertise
Our team has expertise in the following areas:
- Electroacoustic device simulation and optimization
- Acoustic signal processing
- Electroacoustic test equipment design and manufacturing
- Electroacoustic product quality testing
Featured COMSOL Multiphysics Project
Research from the COMSOL Conference 2014 Shanghai: "Research on a Numerical Simulation Method about Harmonic Distortion of Loudspeaker".