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Ingenieure, Forscher und Wissenschaftler aus allen Branchen nutzen die Multiphysik-Simulation, um innovative Produktdesigns und -prozesse zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Lassen Sie sich von Fachbeiträgen und Vorträgen inspirieren, die sie auf der COMSOL Conference präsentiert haben. Durchsuchen Sie die untenstehende Auswahl, verwenden Sie die Schnellsuche, um eine bestimmte Präsentation zu finden, oder filtern Sie nach einem bestimmten Anwendungsbereich.
Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
High temperature processes are used in a large variety of industrial application. Simulation helps to solve technological problems and increase energy efficiency in case of industrial scale simulation. We present in this paper a research equipment simulation. The aim is to increase ... Mehr lesen
A small batch stirred cell which is operated at temperatures up to 400 °C and pressures up to 30 bar is used to study fouling behaviors of selected crude oils. COMSOL Multiphysics package is used for the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and heat transfer modeling for this stirred ... Mehr lesen
The increasing demand for improved metallurgical products strongly motivates the optimization of manufacturing processes and design of γ-TiAl products. Among the large variety of available forming processes, cold closed-die forging is particularly suitable for producing net shape ... Mehr lesen
Oxygen transfer through ceramic membranes at high-temperature can substantially reduce costs respect to conventional separation methods. With the aim to improve the determination of the properties of the ceramic materials, a lab-scale permeation set-up was modeled using the Chemical ... Mehr lesen
HazRes has developed a gas discharge and dispersion model in COMSOL which takes into account the effects of localized wind profiles and turbulence generated by buildings, structures and terrain on the dispersion of gases in question. The main focus of this work is to develop and provide ... Mehr lesen
We use finite elements simulations in order to study the fluid flow behavior in a chamber of a preconcentrator. We realized that most part of the fluid does not affect our preconcentrator because it is going out the chamber at high distance above it and parallel to the preconcentrator. ... Mehr lesen
A numerical simulation study, using COMSOL Multiphysics®, was carried out to examine the temperature and concentration fields in the dissolution process of silicon into germanium melt. This work utilized a simplified configuration which may be considered to be similar material ... Mehr lesen
A two-dimensional mathematical model for the absorption and desorption of H2 in LaNi4.8Al0.2 was developed and experimentally validated. The model is composed of an energy balance, a mass balance and a momentum balance. These differential equations are numerically solved by means of the ... Mehr lesen
In recent years lab-on-microchip technology has become a powerful tool for micro-scale analysis of biochemical processes. In the studied system the overall process consists of transport, convection, diffusion, reaction and adsorption processes. Two compounds A and B, contained in a ... Mehr lesen
Study of neurons plays a key role in the fields of basic and medical research aiming at the development of electrically active implants. The Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations are used to model and simulate the spike generation and propagation in a squid giant axon using COMSOL Multiphysics® 3.5a ... Mehr lesen