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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The prediction of concrete materials service life is not easy, because the complex heterogeneous microstructure and the random nature of concrete materials. Study the presence of cracks in concrete and their effect on coupled reaction and transport are of great interest in civil ... Mehr lesen
Water-and-energy supply is a global issue of paramount importance. The demand for safe potable water is quickly exceeding the limits of natural regional water resources. Like oil, water is a finite resource; unlike oil, however, water has no alternatives. Water, energy and their ... Mehr lesen
The performance of a homogeneous T-mixer can be enhanced significantly by the stimulation of secondary/ transverse flows in the microchannel. Various mixing mechanisms are reported for enhancing micromixing performance such as grooves at the channel bottom, heterogeneous charge patterns ... Mehr lesen
A microwave heating model coupled with heat, mass, and momentum transfer is needed to fully understand the microwave heating process. In this study a comprehensive 3D model was developed for studying the interaction of microwave with the food. The model includes physics of Maxwell’s ... Mehr lesen
The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) requires that high voltage power lines in the U.S. be designed to limit electrostatic effects on nearby equipment. An example is that of a large vehicle underneath a transmission line. The tires insulate the vehicle’s body from ground. If a ... Mehr lesen
The optimal orientations of different single-photon detector designs were determined by COMSOL software package. Absorption of niobium-nitride (NbN) stripes in two different (p=220 nm, 3p=660 nm) periodic patterns integrated with plasmonic elements was studied. In OC-SNSPDs consisting ... Mehr lesen
Interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) is elevated in tumors. Owing to this elevated IFP, the interstitial fluid velocity (IFV) is negligible throughout the tumor but significant near the tumor margin. Any therapeutic strategy that can lower IFP will improve drug convection within the tumor ... Mehr lesen
The radiation dose produced by an x-ray CT scanner to the patient is conventionally referenced to measurements performed by an ionization chamber in a phantom. On a fundamental level, the radiation absorbed dose, J/kg, can be determined directly by the temperature rise in the absorbing ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to structurally optimize the Wright brothers’ flyer. The flyer was drawn in SolidWorks, imported and meshed in COMSOL. COMSOL Solid Mechanics module was used to analyze the flyer. Four of the sixteen struts were removed yet the structural ... Mehr lesen
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are electrochemical conversion devices that utilize ceramics as their electrolyte material for oxygen conduction. Compared to other types of fuel cells, they operate at relatively high temperatures, typically 400°C to 1000°C, and have an electrical ... Mehr lesen