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Lithium-ion batteries are most preferable energy storage devices for its higher energy density, flexible form factor and lightweight design than comparable battery technologies. The present simulation work is focused on incorporating contact thermal resistance within a two-dimensional ... Mehr lesen
There is great interest in developing all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries. They are ideal micro-power sources for many applications in portable electronic devices, electric vehicles and biomedical engineering. The batteries are possessed of high energy and power densities, good ... Mehr lesen
This paper is about the influence of the diffusion coefficient when simulating mixed electrode materials. The results show that when simulating dynamic behavior of a lithium ion battery cell with mixed electrode material the diffusion coefficients is very important. Mehr lesen
In last few decades, growing popularity of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Electrical Vehicles (HEVs) associated with environmental concerns over oil-based transportation infrastructure, has attracted many research attentions over rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)1. Their ... Mehr lesen
Harvesting of renewable energy requires efficient energy storage systems. Rechargeable flow batteries offer certain advantages over other energy storage techniques in use, such as the lifting of water, compression of air, flywheel, etc. In a flow battery, electrolyte flowing through ... Mehr lesen
Rechargeable batteries solve electrification and communication problems. As examples, hybrid battery-diesel generator power supplies efficiently power cell towers in remote locations, detached from the power grid. Large battery banks are used to load level user power requirements, ... Mehr lesen
在电池的性能比较过程中总存在温升、恒流比、容量保持率、倍率性等电性能比较,其中影响这些性能的重要参数就是电池的极化大小。然而现实使用中极化很难以量化,仅仅用直流或者交流内阻来表示还显得单一且不具有说服力,所以寻求一种能够量化的手段从而来衡量电池的极化具有重要意义。通过极化的占比分析还可以分析哪一种极化影响较大,从而为电池的设计优化提供可靠的方向指导。 鉴于上述描述,我们开发了一种充放电过程中极化仿真方法及模型。在COMSOL® 软件的一维模型中定义编辑正负极以及隔膜电解液处反应极化方程和积分,然后利用“电池与燃料电池模块 ... Mehr lesen
Introduction The soluble lead flow battery (SLFB) is a form of redox flow battery (RFB), an electrochemical device where energy is stored in a liquid electrolyte. The electrolyte is pumped around a flow circuit from a reservoir to the cell where redox reactions occur and the energy is ... Mehr lesen
锂离子电池的充电性能受环境温度影响较大,低温条件下充电极化电压升高充电容量下降的问题一直限制了锂离子电池的发展。本文以电化学反应动力学、质量守恒、电荷守恒和能量守恒为理论基础,利用COMSOL软件建立基于LiFePO4/石墨锂离子电池的电化学-热耦合瞬态计算模型,研究了-5℃、-10℃、-15℃三个低温条件下,锂离子电池充电过程中端电压和正极液相扩散极化电压随SOC的变化规律,并进一步通过提出表征这种极化的变量Pdpe,定量分析了低温条件对正极液相扩散极化的影响,最后通过电解质盐浓度和电解质电流密度分析极化变化的原因 ... Mehr lesen
The app discussed in this paper is based on a COMSOL Multiphysics® 1D heat transfer model that analyses the heat flow through a double pane window, with a gas chamber between the two panes, as would normally be mounted in the wall of a building, a container or a refrigerated chamber. The ... Mehr lesen