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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
High Voltage Electronic Transformers operate at high frequency, typically in a range of tens-to-hundreds of kHz. Knowing and tuning their parasitic parameters is an important aspect at the design phase. Although a vast amount of analytical means is available for calculating parasitics, ... Mehr lesen
Bentonite based materials (BBM) are considered as ideal buffer materials for deep geological repository (DGR) for nuclear wastes because of several desirable properties, such as low permeability, high adsorption capacity and proper swelling ability (Guo and Fall 2018). However, gas ... Mehr lesen
A 3D unsteady state chemical reaction system was modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation software. In this work, the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module was integrated to calculate physical, chemical and thermodynamic properties and transport phenomena. Advanced materials such as ... Mehr lesen
The five year survival rate for malignant brain and central nervous system cancer was estimated at 35% between 2000 and 2015. Deep brain tumors can be unsuited for conventional surgical intervention. One minimally invasive treatment option is interstitial needle-based therapeutic ... Mehr lesen
The quantitative value of electrical bio impedance in tissue structures is sensitive to changes in ionic concentration, frequency and dispersion but lacks specificity. It is difficult to a create a physical measurement set up of clinical value capable of quantifying the contribution of ... Mehr lesen
The author’s goal is to demonstrate the use of high porosity open-celled aluminum 6061-T6 foam as an effective heat sink with applications in electronics cooling. The experiment will demonstrate the effects of varying porosity, heat flux, and flow rate on the effectiveness of the heat ... Mehr lesen
Temperature changes in the body have been recognized as an indicator of illness for centuries and localized temperature variations due to inflammatory or ischemic events are common in a great variety of diseases. In the case of cancerous breast tumors the increased cell growth rate ... Mehr lesen
The innovation in audio quality enables organizations to increase efficiency and business value by using the power of crystal-clear voice calls. Steady growth in digital voice communication demands accurate acoustic simulation tools as a prerequisite for cost reduction and shorter time ... Mehr lesen
Increased demand for high power electronics has required increasingly more efficient thermal management techniques. Simple cold plates using tubes or channels are frequently used to cool high power components but restrictions on size, weight, and power have restricted their ... Mehr lesen
在消费类音响产品中高音扬声器的设计品质 对于整个系统表现至关重要。主轴频响和可控的偏 轴指向性是设计的关键指标。利用VPD工具可以优化产品整体的声学性能,缩短研发周期,提 升效率, 和降低成本。从本质上来讲仿真是一种工具,不能 只停留在纸面上,需要做出样品与实际测量数据比 对,才能形成闭环,调整改善模型,参数和总结经 验,使仿真更贴近实际。 Mehr lesen