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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Finite Element analysis is used to model 2-D and 3-D paraelectric-dielectric composites (BaTiO3 spherical fillers randomly distributed in constant dielectric matrix). The effective dielectric response and tunability are studied under different filler sizes and different volume fractions. ... Mehr lesen
Microplasmas at atmospheric pressure are required in many applications, where treatments in normal ambient, with spatial resolution, are important. The interest on such miniaturized sources has increased due to the availability of a new generation of microwave sources based on high power ... Mehr lesen
The Microwave Electrothermal Thruster (MET) is a space electric propulsion device that uses an electromagnetic resonant cavity within which a free-floating plasma is ignited and sustained, heating a propellant gas that is that exhausted out of a gas-dynamic nozzle. For an empty cavity ... Mehr lesen
Magnetic fluids containing nano or submicron magnetic particles and their application in food, biological and pharmaceutical systems have recently attracted increasing attention. Magnetic particles can be collected efficiently in magnetizable matrices (e.g. iron wires) in high gradient ... Mehr lesen
A mathematical model is developed for the stripping of CO2 from rich solvent. The rich solvent (aqueous NaOH) is used in CO2 absorption from natural gas through gas-liquid hollow fiber membrane contactor. The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane was fabricated via ... Mehr lesen
The authors are currently investigating the use of bulk high temperature superconductors as trapped field magnets (TFMs) in order to increase the electrical and magnetic loading of an axial gap, trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine. In electric machines, the use of ... Mehr lesen
The maintenance plan or rush-to-repair of a subsea pipeline for oil transport may result in the shutdown of the line, in other words, may stop the flow of fluid. During the shutdown, the temperature of the oil tends to decrease continuously, and the heavy molecules tend to crystallize ... Mehr lesen
The idea of application as a hearing device based on a parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea has been studied extensively recently. This paper addresses another possible application as an underwater directional sensor. In order to study the feasibility of the application, it is necessary to ... Mehr lesen
This report mainly discusses the implementation and results of a project proposal, “Modelling using Finite Element Methods”. The report is devoted to implementation, which is a model of an electromagnet. The software tool that is used to model the electromagnet is COMSOL Multiphysics®, a ... Mehr lesen
Energy piles, i.e. heat exchangers located within the foundation piles of buildings, are used for heating of cooling purposes. Although the absolute values of deformations and temperature gradients are low or moderate, the entire setting can be influenced by thermo-hydro-mechanical ... Mehr lesen