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Ingenieure, Forscher und Wissenschaftler aus allen Branchen nutzen die Multiphysik-Simulation, um innovative Produktdesigns und -prozesse zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Lassen Sie sich von Fachbeiträgen und Vorträgen inspirieren, die sie auf der COMSOL Conference präsentiert haben. Durchsuchen Sie die untenstehende Auswahl, verwenden Sie die Schnellsuche, um eine bestimmte Präsentation zu finden, oder filtern Sie nach einem bestimmten Anwendungsbereich.
Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Uncertainty in COMSOL Multiphysics® software simulations due to (a) model parameter uncertainties and (b) mesh-induced truncation errors, is estimated using a design-of-experiments approach [1, 2, 3], and a nonlinear least squares logistics fit method [4, 5], respectively. Examples to ... Mehr lesen
Introduction: Existing solar cell (photovoltaic, PV) device simulation software is either open source with limited capabilities (1D only) [1,2] or extremely expensive with obscure functionality [3]. PV researchers need an accessible and versatile simulation tool to optimize existing ... Mehr lesen
One of the most important criteria for evaluating chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes that use polymers is its rheological behaviour which in turn account for other physical effects of adsorption and resistance factors during polymer-rock interactions. However, complete ... Mehr lesen
Sensors have diverse applications ranging from medical field to space explorations. They convert physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity etc: - into an electrical output. The discovery of piezoresistivity property of silicon and germanium led to miniaturization of ... Mehr lesen
Over the last decade, electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) has become one of the most blistering and versatile tool in digital microfluidics. It enables control over fluid shape and flow by electrical signals alone, which is viable by effective utilization of the excess charge ... Mehr lesen
This paper presents a unique design of MEMS based 4-bit shift register that perform shifting operation same as logic devices that are composed of solid-state transistors. The MEMS shift register design inherits all the advantages from MEMS switches and thus is expected to have more ... Mehr lesen
Micro cantilevers are the basic MEMS structures, which can be used both as sensors and actuators. The . The objective of this work is to study concept of pull-in voltage and how to reduce the same. Voltage is applied to upper cantilever beam and lower contact electrode is made as ground. ... Mehr lesen
Effective suspension and settling are critical for controlling biomass retention in a biogas digester. This paper developed a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to simulate the hydrodynamic characteristics of multiphase flow in biogas digester. This is carried out by using COMSOL ... Mehr lesen
In this paper, design and analysis of a novel MEMS capacitive microphone which uses corrugations and perforations in diaphragm is presented. The corrugation and perforation in diaphragm reduces the residual stress and increases the mechanical sensitivity of diaphragm. Instead of the ... Mehr lesen
In the conference we bring together a community that is scientifically diverse in an event about the use of COMSOL Multiphysics. Oral and poster presentations highlight achievements in multiphysics modeling and simulations using COMSOL. Mehr lesen