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Modeling the acoustic output of wind turbines presents extreme simulation challenge due to the geometry of rotors and towers requiring very large mesh size with large volumes of empty space between blades. In this paper, the structural-acoustic finite element models that were previously ... Mehr lesen
Introduction In this study, we investigate the damping mechanisms of particle resonances in acoustofluidic systems using the finite element framework of COMSOLTM. In the field of acoustic micro-manipulation, pressure waves are used for the contactless handling of micro-meter sized ... Mehr lesen
Heat transfer from human body to the environment through clothing layer depends on many factors such as environmental conditions, thermal properties of clothing and size and shape of enclosed air layers (air layers between body surface and clothing). In clothing science, most numerical ... Mehr lesen
Currently insulation has been and will in future be applied to many buildings. This proves to be a challenge for monumental or old buildings. Mostly insulation has to be applied at the interior side of a building. That is why hygro-thermal bridges are inevitable. A wooden beam end beared ... Mehr lesen
High frequency ultrasound (100-1000 MHz) has been used in microscopy since the 1970s. The main imaging component, the acoustic lens, is commercially available. The resolution, working distance, and focal length depend on the structure of a lens, which is unique for each produced lens. ... Mehr lesen
In the construction sector the concrete and the steel bars represent still the key components, although they are very vulnerable by the atmospheric agents, as in the case of their degradation caused by corrosion. The study of the concrete carbonation, due to the CO2 which permeates the ... Mehr lesen
In a previous publication [1], a porous media model for simulating the pressure development in heated concrete has been presented, which is based on the classical formulation given in [2]. However this formulation has some drawbacks, which are addressed in a new implementation. The ... Mehr lesen
The service temperature of epoxy-based adhesive used for structural strengthening of civil structures such as road bridges is an important issue and has to be taken into account when, for example, bonded CFRPs(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) strips are exposed to solar radiation and ... Mehr lesen
Noise reduction at low frequencies is a major issue in many workspaces and indoor public places. Unlike mid- and high-frequency noise, low frequency noise is less attenuated by using conventional sound absorbing materials. This communication proposes an electro-mechano-acoustic absorber ... Mehr lesen
Geologic carbon storage that involves injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into a subsurface sequestration site provides the vital approach for reducing CO2 emissions into atmosphere and thus addressing climate change issue. One challenge associated with CO2 geologic storage is that pore ... Mehr lesen