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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Opalinus clay is currently being proposed as a potential host rock for radioactive waste repository in deep geological formation. It is then important for performance assessments to understand the transport properties of such rocks. Clay materials are characterized by low hydraulic ... Mehr lesen
Subduction processes have great importance as are related to volcanism and earthquake occurrence. Old and cold plates should subduct steeper than younger ones, but the subduction angle is highly variable and does not always correlate with the age of the plates. Some researchers propose a ... Mehr lesen
The consequences of hydromechanical coupling on the electrical conductivity of saturated and unsaturated soils are investigated experimentally and numerically. Simulations of the consolidation problem under vertical load for an elastic medium and of the coupled flow of two immiscible ... Mehr lesen
The problem is to understand how a geothermal field can evolve from a water dominated state into a vapor dominated one. A first answer to this question is given by a simplified mathematical model of the dynamics of a geothermal field in which the geothermal fluid is entirely composed by ... Mehr lesen
One of the crucial topics in this century is sustainable energy. In this respect, the exploitation of geothermal energy from deep hot aquifers becomes opportune. Hence, insight is required in the heat balance of potential aquifer systems. Essential issues are convection, conduction and ... Mehr lesen
Radionuclide transport modeling is a part of the research concerning geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Typically, the transport models near a single deposition hole focus on the reactions of nuclides, while the model geometry and the flow of groundwater are often simplified. In ... Mehr lesen
Green house gases emission associated with natural hazard of underground coal seam fire has been recognized as a worldwide problem leading to global warming threat. Therefore, in this paper a model to study underground coal fire is presented and the results will be devoted to strategic ... Mehr lesen
We present the results of full-waveform time-dependent finite-element modelling of coupled seismoelectromagnetic wave propagation in fluid-saturated porous media. To describe the seismoelectric response of the system a new set of equations is developed which couple the poroelasticity ... Mehr lesen
The results of two thermal response tests recently performed on two vertical borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) are presented. The BHEs have the same cross section and a depth of 100 m and 120 m respectively. The evaluation of the thermal properties of the ground and grout are performed by ... Mehr lesen
Disposal in deep clay geological formations is one of the promising options for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Yet, they can generate considerable amounts of heat as a side effect of radioactive decay. This paper shows how COMSOL Multiphysics has been used to evaluate the ... Mehr lesen