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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Air permeability is one of the most important parameters in the study of thermo-physiological comfort of fabrics. The main goal of this work is to develop a virtual process that allows the prediction of air permeability of any fabric without realizing a sample. The Free and Porous Media ... Mehr lesen
The flow field of a coaxial jet with the internal (primary) flow being subsonic and the external (secondary) flow being supersonic has been investigated with COMSOL Multiphysics® software. We used the results to correct defects in the nozzle geometry and we evaluated the effect of heat ... Mehr lesen
The understanding of the tracer migration in two-phase porous media systems and its reaction over the fluid-fluid interfaces is a challenging task important for a number of engineering applications, e.g. oil recovery, carbon capture and storage in geological reservoirs, remediation ... Mehr lesen
Viscous damping has a significant effect on dynamic performance of the resonators operating within fluid. This work is aimed to find the viscous damping for MEMS torsional paddle operating in air. Interaction of moving structure with the fluid requires a complicated and challenging ... Mehr lesen
Droplet flow at microscopic scale is often used to enhance many pharmaceuticals and industrial processes (i.e. liquid–liquid micro-extraction, nanoparticle synthesis, slow reactions in microfluidic devices, etc.). In all these processes, the mass transfer rate, at the interface between ... Mehr lesen
The Life+ GreenWoolF project is aimed at demonstrating that green hydrolysis with superheated water is an effective way to convert wool wastes into organic nitrogen fertilizers. The core of the process is represented by the reaction tank (Figure 1) in which the hydrolyses reaction takes ... Mehr lesen
Ozone treatment is an oxidative process used in wastewater treatment plant to demolish complex organic molecule. In the case of textile industry is required to adequately remove residual color, demolishing the chromophoric bonds or groups in the dye molecules. A useful method for adding ... Mehr lesen
Numerical simulations applied to blood flow together with the imaging processing advances are a powerful tool in the prevention and treatment of some diseases. The inclusion of real data in the numerical blood flow simulations allows the achievement of more realistic and accurate ... Mehr lesen
In a laboratory setup a horizontal rod is heated on one side. By natural convection a stable temperature pattern is developed. Using the Nusselt formulation of the natural convection of cylindrical rods, the temperature distribution can be calculated. Only a good match of the simulations ... Mehr lesen
The annular reactor is a very useful design to carry many chemical reactions. In this study, COMSOL Multiphysics® software was used to study the isothermal mass transfer from the inner side of the outer tube of the annular reactor in the range of 200 Mehr lesen