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This paper deals with the simulation of mathematical model for supercritical extraction. Reverchon, 1996 extracted sage oil using supercritical extraction method from sage leaves at 9 MPa and 50 ᵒC. Four mean size of sage leaves ranging from 0.25 to 3.10 mm were taken for extraction with ... Mehr lesen
Perforated pipes are extensively used to control exhaust noise in automobiles [1-4]. The energy loss associated with the perforations leads to back pressure which needs to be quantified and minimized [5]. An objective approach presented in [6] is the introduction of friction factor for ... Mehr lesen
The present study manifests the several ground breaking flow phenomena arising out of hydrodynamic interactions between two microorganisms swimming inside a microchannel with close proximity. The results theorized in the present investigation scrutinizes the varying behavior of the ... Mehr lesen
Wine quality is strongly dependent on the operation parameters of the production process. In batch or fed batch reactors, the rotating velocity should be carefully controlled to avoid cellular stress and ensure adequate mixing of the mixture. Moreover, precise control of substrates ... Mehr lesen
Plasma reactors can be applied to the conversion of waste, biomass and fuels to synthesis gas (mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide) with efficiencies as higher as 90-95% and low energy demand, depending on the design optimization. In this work, a multi-step approach was applied to the ... Mehr lesen
The performance of a PEMFC depends on several factors, including the flow inside gas channels. Low gas velocity inside the channel can make water management more difficult, possibly causing water to accumulate and condense in certain regions of the cell. In the present work, COMSOL ... Mehr lesen
The idea of a friendly implementation of a mathematical formulation using specialist software was performed with the support of COMSOL Multiphysics® software with Chemical Reaction Engineering and Batteries & Fuel Cell Modules. The real problem of a Proton Exchange Membrane – PEM ... Mehr lesen
Este trabalho trata do dimensionamento da estrutura bocal/difusor utilizando a simulação computacional com fronteira móvel. Esse tipo de simulação contempla toda estrutura da bomba, isto é, câmara de bombeamento, difusor e área de dispersão de fluxo, de modo a contabilizar o refluxo em ... Mehr lesen
A obtenção de polpa celulósica antecede a produção de papel e envolve a separação das fibras da madeira mediante a utilização de energia mecânica, térmica, química ou a combinação desses processos. Esta operação é realizada em um reator, tubular, cilíndrico e vertical (tipicamente 6 m de ... Mehr lesen