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Introduction: Development of next-generation chemical processes that have zero emissions is a key environmental objective for sustainable development. The manufacture of H2SO4 by the air oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is an important technology where an opportunity exists for new catalyst ... Mehr lesen
A micropump delivers fluid between different components of a microfluidic device in a controlled manner. The elimination of micropump can reduce the design complexity, simplify fabrication, shrink the device footprint and decrease the set-up time required for the operation of the ... Mehr lesen
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a promising effective method for synthesis of graphene films. CVD graphene film is obtained from hydrocarbon species such as CH4 through complex catalytic chemical reactions on the surface of the catalyst. Therefore, studying the catalytic reaction ... Mehr lesen
Introduction Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air, photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is considered a very promising technology [1,2]. PCO can achieve mineralization of harmful VOCs to CO2 and H2O using only UV light [3]. A ... Mehr lesen
The aim of present work is to present and calibrate a new mechanistic model that includes physical and biokinetic processes to reproduce the algae growth in photobioreactor or ponds during long-term scenarios. A COMSOL Multiphysics® model is used to implement the microalgae processes ... Mehr lesen
I introduce a model of fluidized reactor which, in presence of heterogeneous platinum-based catalyst, decomposes liquid formic acid producing gaseous mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen as the product. I treat the physical system as a (Class II) mixture of four constituents - namely ... Mehr lesen
The mathematical model is closely related to the development of a novel drying method for high viscous and sticky materials. The foamed state facilitates diffusive moisture transport and therefore accelerating the drying process. Moreover the dried porous material can be easily converted ... Mehr lesen
Introduction Self-heating behaviour of dust accumulations is a multiphysics field coupled heat and mass transfer in the porous media. A typical experimental apparatus with a hot storage oven and mesh wire baskets has been taken as the study object. The influence of gas flow velocity, ... Mehr lesen
This study deals with the 3D modeling of a light photocatalytic textile. This process aims to decontaminate industrial effluents such as water with pesticides. The present study describes the implementation of a reactive transport model in a computational fluid dynamics model developed ... Mehr lesen
No processo Kraft a madeira é reduzida a uma massa fibrosa. Neste processo são rompidas as ligações entre as estruturas da madeira separando as fibras. Esta operação, denominada de polpação, é realizada em um equipamento denominado de digestor. Este trabalho analisa o comportamento ... Mehr lesen