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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
A problem of damage prediction in aircraft structure and its non-destructive evaluation is very important for aircraft structural health assessment. The analysis of the features of direct impact of thin-walled laminate component of aircraft was performed by COMSOL Multiphysics software. ... Mehr lesen
A hybrid technique based on the use of the FEM and the transfer matrix method is used to identify the frequencies at which thermoacoustic instabilities are expected and the growth rate of the pressure oscillations at the onset of instability. The Helmholtz equation is used to model the ... Mehr lesen
In this work a thermoacoustic analysis of a tubular combustor with an advanced lean injection system is presented. The performed analysis is based on the resolution of the eigenvalue problem related to an inhomogeneous wave equation which includes a source term representing heat release ... Mehr lesen
In Europe considerable building activity can be expected over the coming decades; Net Zero Energy Buildings refers to a building with minimal power, until maximum 15 kW/m^2. In both cases this requires very well insulated buildings with minimal thermal bridges. Concrete balconies, that ... Mehr lesen
There is a practical interest among composite materials manufacturers to high-speed accurate non-destructive evaluation (NDE) technology for voids inspection when these voids are natural components of such complex structures like resin insulated layer of double-sided copper-clad ... Mehr lesen
The Jecklin Disk is a sound absorbing disk placed between two omnidirectional microphones. It is used to recreate some of the frequency-response, time and amplitude variations human listeners’ experience, but in such a way that the recordings also produce a useable stereo image through ... Mehr lesen
Bridge piers and abutments makeup the bridge substructure and transmit loads from the superstructure to the bridge foundation material (Figure 1). The bridge abutment serves three purposes: to provide vertical support to the bridge superstructure where the bridge ends, to connect the ... Mehr lesen
In this paper a pre-study on using COMSOL Multiphysics for rotordynamic analysis is presented. It is concluded that it is possible to use COMSOL Multiphysics to perform rotordynamical analysis. However, there are no standard environment for rotordynamics, hence the user has to extend the ... Mehr lesen
This study will research a modern design of acoustic guitar by analysis of the vibrational modes. The guitar that will undergo testing has been provided by Emerald Guitars and is solely constructed using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP). With the use of COMSOL Multiphysics© the ... Mehr lesen
A piezoelectric transformer allows purely mechanical transfer and scaling of electrical energy via simultaneous utilization of both the direct and converse piezoelectric effects. This mechanical energy transfer enables a wide range of functional differences from typical magnetic-based ... Mehr lesen