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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
A simulation of an electrodynamic planar loudspeaker (EDPL) has been developed in this study with the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Using the simulated model, effect of different parts has been studied to improve the performance. The locations of the coil and magnets have been obtained ... Mehr lesen
Using advanced computational fluid dynamics software PumpLinx and the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, a virtual product development environment was established for the electro-hydraulic power steering pump system in a passenger vehicle. The model built with the COMSOL Multiphysics® ... Mehr lesen
Underwater acoustics is an area that studies the sound propagation in water and the interactions with other objects and water boundaries. There are many technologies available for acoustic exploration of the ocean. Underwater vehicles are robots used in ocean sciences that travel ... Mehr lesen
Recently, acoustic black holes (ABH), a new passive structural modification approach to control vibration and noise from mechanical structures have been developed and studied. This preliminary study presents the work on the influence of acoustical black holes on the vibration and sound ... Mehr lesen
The aim of this paper is to determine the location of the “sweet spot” for a selected cricket bat commonly used in the sport. Knowledge of the “sweet spot” is important in delivering a shot that utilizes the optimal zone of the bat that corresponds to the maximum power of the stroke. A ... Mehr lesen
Phonons underlie the propagation of sound and the transport of heat in materials. With outstanding progress in the design of phononic crystals, it is now feasible to control the acoustic properties of these materials and to endow them with unique acoustic properties. For instance, it ... Mehr lesen
Macroscale ultrasonic separation is a new filtration technology, with various applications such as cell clarification, cell therapy, blood-lipid separation, oil-water separation etc. These systems use piezoelectric transducers to create standing waves in fluid-particle mixture. Suspended ... Mehr lesen
Teledyne Marine developed a system for the long-range ocean acoustic tomography, which uses a tunable, high-efficiency sound resonator. The high-Q resonator tunes to match the frequency and phase of a reference frequency-modulated signal. The analysis of a high-Q resonant organ pipe with ... Mehr lesen
A frequency-domain finite element (FE) technique for computing the acoustic scattering from axially symmetric fluid-loaded structures subject to a nonsymmetric forcing field based on Ref. 1 is extended to poroelastic media and implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics® software. This method ... Mehr lesen
Tonal noise from wind turbines can have effects on neighboring residences and its emission can result in strong regulatory penalties that can include the closure of wind farms. The authors present a model of a new broadband damping approach where containers filled with EniDamp™, an ... Mehr lesen