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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Redmer van Tijum studied Applied Physics at the University of Groningen. In 2006, he received his PhD title on ‘Interface and surface roughness of polymer metal laminates’ in the field of Material Science at the University of Groningen. After that he became research and development ... Mehr lesen
Strain induced by local deformation of a flexible micrometer-sized semiconductor tube is quantified by modeling a ball pressing on the tube wall. By changing the pressing condition, we are able to change the strain state of the tube wall incorporating self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) in ... Mehr lesen
Dr. Christian Deville-Cavellin is a Research Engineer at Ugitech's Research Center, since 1995. Ugitech, member of the Schmoltz & Bickenbach group, is a stainless steel, long products producer. C. Deville-Cavellin is responsible for all research topics related to liquid metal ... Mehr lesen
This paper presents a study on the application of Direct Numerical Solving (DNS) techniques using an experimental scale model. COMSOL Multiphysics is promising in solving dynamic heat and air transport. The experiments can be extremely useful as benchmark for CFD codes. Mehr lesen
Rotating fluids are important in nature and technology. Many applications can be found in the field of meteorology and in rotating machinery. This investigation concerns the application of the swirl flow application mode in COMSOL Multiphysics to simulate nonlinear aspects of flows ... Mehr lesen
One challenge in designing micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) is considering the variability of design parameters caused by manufacturing tolerances and material properties. The function of MEMSs is significantly influenced by this variability, which can be represented in terms of ... Mehr lesen
The mixing characteristics and residence time distributions (RTDs) of a staggered herringbone microchannel have been investigated numerically by COMSOL Multiphysics and by particle tracking algorithms that incorporate diffusion via a random walk. All simulations were validated with ... Mehr lesen
Many materials require functionally graded cellular microstructures whose porosity is engineered to meet specific requirements of diverse applications. It has been shown in previous work that the bubble growth rate of a polymeric foam can be influenced by the surrounding acoustic ... Mehr lesen
This work deals with the quantification of the CO2 transfer rate from a bubble to the surrounding liquid in a bubble column. A model is successfully developed using COMSOL Multiphysics. The validated model is used to study the enhancement influence of chemical reactions on the transfer ... Mehr lesen
An external magnetic field imposed on a ferrofluid with a temperature gradient, results in a non-uniform magnetic body force, which leads to a form of heat transfer called thermomagnetic convection. A magnet placed near the device will always attract the colder ferrofluid more than ... Mehr lesen