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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is a promising rapid consolidation technique that allows a better understanding and manipulation of sintering kinetics and therefore makes it possible to obtain polycrystalline materials (ceramic or metallic) with tailored microstructures. A numerical ... Mehr lesen
It is commonly recognized that careful thermal design of electronic equipments represents an unavoidable pre-production step in order to ensure reliability and performance of those components during their functioning. This paper mainly concerns a comparison between experimental and ... Mehr lesen
This paper presents results on the visualisation of tracks of charged particles in a non-uniform magnetic field. The field modelled is that generated by a coil driven by DC current. The motion of typical particles, such as electrons, ions and multiply-charged heavy particles has been ... Mehr lesen
In volcanic areas, the presence of heterogeneous materials and high temperatures affect the rheological behaviour of the Earth's crust that calls for considering the anelastic properties of the medium surrounding the magmatic sources. A thermo-mechanical numerical model is performed for ... Mehr lesen
Perfectly matched layers (PML) are an efficient alternative for emulating the Sommerfeld radiation condition in the numerical solution of wave radiation and scattering problems. The key ingredient of the PML formulation is the complex scaling function, which controls the anisotropic ... Mehr lesen
The crystal growth industry uses high temperature processes. To improve production efficiency, a good knowledge of thermal effects is necessary. We show in this article a methodology to get reliable data by mixing simplified models, sensitivity studies and parameters adjustments. The ... Mehr lesen
Two friction stir welding models are presented – a global thermal model using the temperature dependent heat source and a local material flow and heat generation model allowing for detailed investigation of different contact conditions. The two models are coupled into a larger local ... Mehr lesen
Innovations in air-conditioning and other forms of cooling or ventilation can be viewed as technological solutions improving environmental conditions that are beneficial for human health, comfort and productivity. This study deals with a thermal and fluid-dynamics investigation of ... Mehr lesen
Plasmonics is a new branch of the fascinating field of photonics and develops concepts to quench light beyond the diffraction limit and enhance electromagnetic fields. These enhancements occur in metals as localized surface plasmon polaritons (LSP) a coupling of the surface density ... Mehr lesen
Within this paper the so called “birth and death” method is demonstrated in use with COMSOL Multiphysics®. With this method the free and reactionless movement of a solid structure on deformed geometries and the activation of this solid structure at later simulation steps is possible. For ... Mehr lesen