Transient Modelling of a Fluorine Electrolysis Cell; Fully Coupled Electric Currents, Heat-Transfer, Diluted Species Transport and Laminar Bubbly Flow
A laboratory-scale fluorine reactor was simulated with COMSOL Multiphysics®. This model employs fundamental fully coupled electron-, heat-, mass- and momentum transfer (two-phase) equations to deliver a transient model of the above-mentioned reactor. Quasi-steady-state results were produced for the current density, electric field, temperature, reactive species concentration, gas- and liquid velocity profiles as well as gas fraction distribution within the reactor.
The reactor, currently incomplete, required the experimental team to measure simulation reliability to published works on similar reactors. Favourable comparisons were found. Furthermore a parametric study was also done on the estimated electrolyte thermal conductivity. Results of the simulation can be used in the design and optimisation of fluorine cells.

- temperature.avi - 38.64MB
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- gas_fraction.avi - 29.5MB