The Use of CFD Simulations in Learning Fluid Mechanics at the Undergraduate Level
Simple, accurate CFD simulations using COMSOL Multiphysics are used in a senior-level undergraduate course as a means to explore a number of fluid flows with the intent of developing a deep understanding of the underlying fluid mechanical mechanisms involved in the flows. Students also learn about the finite element method, how to properly pose the underlying mathematical model for the fluid flow, and about the limitations of the modeling process itself.
Keynote speaker's biography:
Marc K. Smith is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University in 1982. His research interests include interfacial fluid mechanics, boiling flows, and hydrodynamic stability, with particular emphasis on surface tension effects and surface-tension-driven flows. His teaching interests are fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and numerical methods at the undergraduate level, using modern software and teaching tools.
Marc K. Smith was one of the keynote speakers at the COMSOL User's Conference, fall 2009 in Boston.

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