Modification of the Ion Angular Distribution in Plasma Sheath: Modeling Approach under COMSOL Multiphysic
System for in-situ control of the ion angular distribution function (IADF) in plasma reactor is modeled. Typical IADF depends on the pressure, bias and excitation frequency. It is formed due to a difference in the physical properties of the plasma and sheath domains. The IADF is modified by biased grid which is built into a holder. The time varying E-field in sheath is influencing the ion path. The 2D plasma model at reactor scale is feeding plasma properties for sheath model (SM). Resultant feature profile evolution (FPE) is determined by instant IADF. The core of work is focused on the SM and IADF determination. The 2D Poisson equation is solved by COMSOL\'s AC/DC Module and extended into transient 3D solution. The 2D plasma model uses several APIs of COMSOL Multiphysics – convection and diffusion, heat transfer, TM wave and Navier-Stokes modules.

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