Model of Biosensor based on Organic Electrochemical Transistors
One of the most promising categories of semiconductor-based sensors is organic electrochemical transistor (OECT), which consists of three electrodes (Source, Drain and Gate) and two active layers: electrolyte and conductive polymer. Despite the fact that OECT attracts a lot of attention in the last years, appropriate physical and chemical coupled models to describe precisely the interaction between ionic and electronic charge carriers haven’t been yet developed. Therefore, in a full OECT model the combination of three processes should be considered: 1) Movement of ions in electrolyte and polymer layers (electrochemical process) 2) Recombination of the electronic and ionic charge carriers in the polymer 3) Transport of the charge carriers (holes) inside the polymer As a first step towards afull description, this study investigates the influence of different parameters on the charge carriers distribution and doping-dedoping proses in the polymer layer.

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