Large Scale Simulation on Clusters Using COMSOL
Darrell Pepper is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Nevada Center for Advanced Computational Methods at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). He was recently appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor at the US Air Force Academy where he will be in residence until May 2012. In 2004, Dr. Pepper was appointed ASME Congressional Fellow and worked as a senior legislative staff member for US Senator Dianne Feinstein in Washington, DC. In 2008 he was awarded the Eric Reissner Medal for his work in computational heat transfer and in 2010 he received the Harry Reid Silver State Research Award. In 2011 he received the outstanding researcher award from the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering at UNLV. He has published over 300 technical papers on fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and environmental transport topics, and co-authored five textbooks on the finite element method, boundary element method, and indoor air quality.

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